


This is the Vault of Knowledge, a public place where I take notes on things that I'm studying about. You can call this a knowledge-base or to use the modern terminology, a second brain or digital garden.

The name for the website was inspired by a place of the same name in the game Sky.

How to explore

You have Directory Tree on the left, and the Table of Contents on the right.

You can explore the notes using the search functionality or from the table of contents sidebar. A quick overview on the main categories:

  • 🤠 Personal: Where I keep notes on some stuff I'm personally interested in, because I'm lazy to keep them more private (although not much sensitive information will be there)
  • 🌎 Public: Notes on something that is cool for arbitrary reasons, but doesn't belong in any knowledge-base categories..
  • 🔮 World Building: Notes on Science, Engineering, Philosophy, etc. which can be used to make the world a better place.
    • Note that you may not see a conventional ordering of categories here. For example, I consider "computer science" to be a subcategory of "mathematics", "optics" to be under "electrodynamics" and "fluid mechanics" under "continuum mechanics".
  • 🗺️ World Exploration: Not to improve the world per se, but just exploring the world around us for the sake of it.
  • 🗃️ Unorganized: Most notes I take are under the "General Notes" section here, because I can be too lazy to organize them.

Other Notes

This site additionaly features a graph view for all the notes in both 3D and 2D, under each page, and also as a separate global view. While this may not be very useful, it can help to see the ways in which some groups of tightly related topics connect to a very different set of topics.

I haven't taken the time to style out the website, but this is it for now. I went with that it is better to make something than avoid doing anything at all while waiting for perfection.

Left-click: follow link, Right-click: select node, Scroll: zoom