
Debating Anti-Hindu Theologers

  1. Kubernetes Example: For personification

  2. Principle of Wi-Fi

  3. Principle of not using Strawman

Personification is good. For example, if you wish to convey an idea, it is better that you do so by personifying the concept, rather than not conveying the idea at all by sticking to textual language. This is similar to how imagery and animations can help students understand concepts better, even if the idea in question cannot really be visualized. For example, [me drawing deadpool] .. [this is because people think in terms of ideas relatable to them] .. [insert pic of Assassinates Markonikov].

God having incarnations is good.

  • Adi Para Shakti (First True Power)

  • The Trinity represents Qualities. The Qualities are described as Masculine.

  • Shakti represents Power. The Powers are described as Feminine.

  • Mohammed's Reign

    • Khosrau II
  • Mohammed's death
    • Statements by Mohammed
  • Divisions of Islam
    • The Four Rightly Guided Khalifas
      • Abu Bakr
      • Umar
      • Uthman
      • Ali ibn Talib
  • The Four Imams
  • The Muhaddith
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