
Document Object Model

It just represents the items in the HTML as trees. This is useful for accessing and modifying HTML elements using JavaScript.

Abstract Example

       /      \
     /          \
   head        body
  /    \      /  |  \
title meta   h1  p   p

So you can address them as html.head.title, etc.

But in reality, you need to identifiers to identify individual elements. For example, you wouldn't be able to differentiate between the first <p> tag and second <p> tag with html.body.p.


Actually we can, by typing:
- document.documentElement.childNodes[1].childNodes[1] and
- document.documentElement.childNodes[1].childNodes[2]

but you should get the idea that there should be an easier way.

Concrete Example

So we identify elements by their ID, that is, if we tag them first. But we can also use queries to get them by tags, classes, etc. But placing IDs make it easier to identify individual elements.

For example, if we have the following HTML:

        <p id="p1">...</p>
        <p id="p2">FREE ROBLOCKS</p>

We can type document.getElementById("p1") to get the element.

And typing document.getElementById("p2").innerHtml gets you the content of p2, which is:


The DOM Class

All methods are part of the Document class, which can be used by the object document. The document object, also referenced under the window object as window.document is created by a browser when a page is loaded.

So, all methods are accessed by typing document.method_name().
For example: document.getElementById(id)

Methods of Accessing DOM Elements in JavaScript

To uniquely identify elements

Only ID can be used to uniquely identify an element

  • By ID: getElementById(id)

To query for all matching elements

The Document Object contains standard function to query elements by name, class, tag and a combination of tag and namespace.

  • By Name: getElementsByName(name)
  • By Class: getElementsByClassName(class)
  • By Tag: getElementsByTagName(tag)
  • By Tag and Namespace: `getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, tag)

To find methods to modify the content of these elements and more, best refer the standard documentations and guides:



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