
Life of Mohammed

Evil Timeline

  • Events at Mecca
    • Revelation
    • Disturbing People
    • Demonizing Abu Lahab by name in His Cult Text
    • Getting Kicked Out
  • Events at Medina

    • Battles Mohammed started

      • Battle of Badr [Mohammed won against Quraysh]
      • Battle of Uhud [Mohammed lost against Quraysh]
      • Exile of Banu Qaynuqa
      • Exile of Banu Nadir
      • Battle of Trench [Mohammed won against Quraysh]
      • Genocide of Banu Qurayzah [For allying with Banu Quraysh; by a false interpretation of Halakha]

    • Having a dream to do Hajj (or to capture it?)

    • Treaty at Hudaibiyyah and his Violation of It
    • Not Stopping Abu Basir, the Muslim from Crimes
    • Opportunistic Capture of Mecca and Killing of Apostates
    • Attacking Banu Nadir
    • Attacking Banu Mustaliq and the Capture of Juwarriyah
    • Attacking Khaybar and the Capture of Saffiya
    • Poisoning by Zainab
    • Death
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