
Memes of Religions

Oneness / Monism

Monistic Atheism

  • Chaarvaka Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Materialist Perspective of The Indians who do not follow the

Monistic Monotheism




  • (Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / The Perspective of following the Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
  • (Sikhism / The Way of the Disciples)

Separateness / Dualism

Dualistic Monotheism

Jealous Visiting God (Abrahamic)

EDIT: Now it's of the form (Culture includes Metaphysics). I got to change it to (Culture believes Metaphysics that describes the Culture).

  • "Adherence" to the "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" "Prescribed" by "God" which includes "Worship" of "A Jealous God" who "Governs" the "World" and will bring "Eternal" "World" "Peace" (Judaism / Way of the Yehudis)
  • "Humans" are created as "Sinners" by "Nature" because their "Original Ancestors" chose to disobey "God" by committing the "Original Sin", which happened according to the "Plan" of "God" (because he is "All Knowing"), for which the "Punishment" is "Death" and "Eternal Torture" in "Hell", and the "Original Sin" is "Inherited" by "All Humans" and the "Only Way" of "Salvation" is "Belief" in the "Sinless Sacrifice" (i.e. not suicide) of a "Sinless Man" (who would thus be the "Christ") who "Took On" the "Punishment" for the "Sins" of "Everyone", by being "Punished" "Unjustly" by "Some" "People" based on their "Man-Made" and "Corrupt" "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" for the supposed crime of "Rebelling" to "Undo" "Man-Made" "Corruptions" to the "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" "Prescribed" by "God" which includes "Worship" of "A Jealous God" who "Governs" the "World" and "Eternal" "Afterlife" in "Heaven" or "Hell" following the "Destruction" of the "World" (Christianity / Faith in Christ)
  • "Adherence" to the "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" "Prescribed" by "God" which includes "Worship" of "A Jealous God" who "Owns" the "World" and "Eternal" "Afterlife" in "Heaven" or "Hell" following the "Destruction" of the "World" and "Ensuring" the "Establishment" of that "Moral Law" all over the "World", where "People" have "Discarded" it to instead follow their "Man-Made" and "Corrupt" "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" by "Discourse" or "Physical Force" with proper "Strategies" to "Undo" "Man-Made" "Corruptions" to the "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" with an "Exception" to those who do not "Trigger" the "Jealousy" of "God" (i.e. People of The Book) who can live by providing "Protection" "Tax" to the "Righteous" followers as form of "Humiliation" for adhering to their "Man-Made" and "Corrupt" "Moral Law" and "Way of Life" (Mohammedan Islam according to Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah / Submission to God according to Mohammed according to the People of Tradition and the Majority of Muslims)

    • Specifically, according to the Aqaa'id (Schools of Theology) and Madhhahib (Schools of Jurisprudence) of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah (The People of Tradition and The Majority), including the Salafiyya (Those who follow the ways of the First Three Generations of Muslims who were described by their Messenger to be the Most Righteous Muslims)
    • Define Aqaa'id / Schools of Theology

      • Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah / People of Tradition and the Majority of Muslims
        • Ash'ari School of Islamic Theology of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah / By Sheik / Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari
        • Maturdi School of Islamic Theology of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah /
        • Athari School of Islamic Theology of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah /
      • Shi'a

      • Ibadiyya

        • Wahbi
        • Nukkar
        • Azzaba
        • Define Madhhahib / Schools of Jurisprudence
      • Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah
        • Hanbali School of Islamic Jurisprudence among Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah /
        • Shafi'i
        • Hanafi
        • Maliki
      • Shi'a

        • Ithna Ashari
          • Jafari School of Islamic Jurisprudence according to Ithna Ashari Shi'a Muslims
        • Isma'eeli

        • Zaydi

      • Muhakkima

        • Khawariji
        • Ibadiyya

          Non-Jealous Visiting God

          Non-Visiting God / Deistic

  • (Yoga Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / The Perspective of Seeking Connection with Nature from the Beliefs of Indians following the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)

Dualistic Polytheism



Dualistic Henotheism

  • Worship of One God and many deities

Dualistic Atheism

  • There is "No God", and "Reality" simply consists of two "Eternal" things - a "Witness Consciousness" and a "Physical World", where "You" are the "Eternal" and "Formless" "Witness Consciousness" "Trapped" in the "Temporary" "Cyclic Worldly Existence" that takes place in the "Eternal" "Physical World" which Continually Evolves" its "State" through the "Cycle of Life" just for the sake of "Your" "Mental Evolution", due to your "Misunderstanding" of "Reality" that acts as a "Veil" to your complete "Realization" and makes you think that "You" are a part of this "Cyclic Worldly Existence", when in reality "You" are only a "Witness Consciousness" that is "Separate" from the "Physical World", and when you realize that, the "Physical World" will "Cease" to "Evolve" "Further" for "You" and you will be free. (Sankhya Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Digital Perspective of the Indians following the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
  • "Existence" is a "Random Occurrence" with "No Guarantee" on "Non-Existent Concepts" such as "Justice" (Classical Nihilism)

Trying to Define Indian Beliefs in English

Me Trying to Define Them Purely in English

Hell, I'll tell you this was hard.

I started like:
- X Perspective of the Beliefs of Indians following the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge

But it sucked. Then I wrote it down like:
- Vedic Hinduism (Beliefs of Indians following the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
- X Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (X Perspective of Indians following the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)

Then I tried an alternative:
- Islam (Submission)
- X Aqeedah (X Perspective on How to Follow Submission)
- (X Perspective of People who Follow Submission)
- (X Perspective on Following Submission)

Then I tried:
- (Beliefs of Xs who Follow Y)
- (A Perspective of Following Y according to Xs)
- (A Perspective of Xs Following Y)

- Finally I realized that I should understand that there is an ontological difference between:
- "Hinduism" (A Western Grouping that literally means the "Beliefs of Indians EXCLUDING Muslims, Christians, Jews and Parsis") and
- "Perspectives of Indians" (The True Classification)

To fix this, I realized I had to consider Indian Muslims as Hindus. Then, I had to break down the term into the concept, and translate it accordingly.

e.g. "Discrete Perspective of Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge" and "The Perspective of Seeking Connection with Nature according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge"

- Better Ways
- New Form: "The Perspective that the Summary of the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge posits a Difference and Non-Difference"
- Old Form: "The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge that posits a Difference and Non-Difference according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge"

(It's called "Indians who" rather than those "who" because I'm sticking to a literal translation rather than an ideological one).

How The Westerners Probably Defined

  • Westerners: "These are "Indian Beliefs""
  • Westerners: "They say they have different perspectives"
  • Westerners: "Some have different perspectives based on Vedas (Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)" (Six Broad Perspectives)
  • Westerners: "Others have free perspectives" (Buddhism, Jainism, etc.)
  • Westerners: "These are perspectives of the Indians": defines them
  • Westerners: "And we'll call the people of the land Hindus"
  • Westerners: "But we'll only use the term to describe people of their native beliefs"
  • Westerners: "And we'll call the others in the land separately" (Muslims, Christians)
    Why? Here's my guess:
  • "These Indians aside from Muslims and Christians rely on priests to know their culture"
  • "We can't fool the Muslims and Christians, but we can fool the others and take over this place"
  • "Let's translate their books and make our compilation more accessible"
  • "Let's then make them all believe that this compilation is their divine truth"
  • "Let's prioritize the worst texts they have to sow discord in the community" (Manu Smriti, Vaishnava Dharma Shastra)
  • "Let's feed on their pride and make the thinking priestly classes feel superior in a divine right"
  • "Let's make the working classes who don't think too much feel oppressed by the corrupt priestly class"
  • "Let's make the working class people finally fight the priestly class to gain freedom"
  • "And then let's take charge of this nation in the name of fixing their divisiveness"

To Classify

I will define a Hindu as an Indian, based on Geography. (Hindu <= Sindhu River)
Hindus have different perspectives.

Some follow Vedas (Sanskrit Books of Knowledge) (from it some follow some sects)
Some follow Other Stuff
Some follow Islam
Some follow Christianity
Some follow Judaism
Some are just crazy (Polytheism, Atheism, Strange Rituals)

  1. Vedic Hinduism (The Beliefs of Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge) / Astika Darshanas (Orthodox Beliefs of Indians)

    1. Sankhya Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (Discrete Perspective of Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Kapila Maharshi
    2. Yoga Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of Seeking Connection with Nature according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Patanjali
    3. Nyaya Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of Understanding the Principles of Reality according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
    4. Vaisheshika Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of the Nature of Reality as being Particulate according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Kanada Maharshi
    5. Mimamsa Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Purva Mimasa Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Karma Mimamsa Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of Reflection according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of Reflecting on Early (Vedic Texts) according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of Reflecting on Actions according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
    6. Uttara Mimasa Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of Reflection on Later (Vedic Texts) according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)

      1. Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Shankara Acharya

        • It was also called Advaita-Vaada (Proposition of Non-Dualism), Abheda Darshana (Perspective of Non-Difference), Dvaita-Vaada-Pratishedha (Opposition to the Proposition of Dualism), Kevala-Advaita (Essential Non-Dualism) and Maya-Vaada (The Proposition that Reality is an Illusion)
      2. Bheda-Abheda Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge that posits a Difference and Non-Difference according to Indians who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Bhaskara Acharya

      3. Dvaita-Advaita Bedha-Abheda Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Svabhavika Bedha Abheda Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge that posits a Panentheistic Difference and Non-Difference / The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge that posits an Innate Difference and Non-Difference), proposed by Nimbarka Acharya
      4. Vishishta Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Special (Nuanced) Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Ramanuja Acharya
      5. Dvaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Tattva Vaada Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Dualistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of following the Proposition of Fundamental Elements based on the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Madhvaa Acharya
      6. Suddha Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Pure Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Vallabha Acharya
      7. Achintya-Bheda-Abheda Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge that posits an Inconceivable Difference and Non-Difference), proposed by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
      8. Akshar-Purushottam Darshana of Vishista Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of Namesake and Supreme Consciousness (Forms of God) of the Special (Nuanced) Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Swami Naryanan
      9. Modern Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism / Greater Advaita Vedanta Darshana of Vedic Hinduism (The Perspective of following the Modern Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of following the Greater Monistic Summary of Sanskrit Books of Knowledge), proposed by Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghosh, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, etc.
      10. Non-Vedic Hinduism (The Beliefs of Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
        1. Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Buddhism (The Perspective of Becoming a Budhha according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Becoming Enlightened)
      11. Hina Yaana Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Nikaya Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Hina Yaana Buddhism / Nikaya Buddhism (The Perspective of The Small Vehicle for Becoming a Budhha according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Early Way of Becoming Enlightened according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Small Vehicle for Becoming Enlightened / Early Way of Becoming Enlightened) (Early Buddhism)
      12. Thera Vaada Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Thera Vaada Buddhism (Proposition of Following the Ways of the Elders to Become Enlightened according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Proposition of Following the Ways of the Elders to Become Enlightened) (Atheism)
      13. Maha Yaana Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Maha Yaana Buddhism (The Perspective of The Great Vehicle for Becoming a Budhha according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Great Vehicle for Becoming Enlightened) (Apatheism)
      14. Zen Darshana of Maha Yaana Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Zen Darshana of Maha Yaana Buddhism / Zen (The Perspective of Meditation of The Perspective of The Great Vehicle for Becoming a Buddha according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of Meditation of The Perspective of The Great Vehicle for Becoming Enlightened / Meditation) (Do Nothing)
      15. Vajra Yaana Buddhist Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Vajra Yaana Buddhism (The Perspective of The Powerful Vehicle for Becoming a Budhha according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Powerful Vehicle for Becoming Enlightened) (Apatheism)
        1. Jain Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Jain Dharma Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Jainism / Jain Dharma (The Perspective of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Perspective of The Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) / Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses)), revived by Mahavira
      16. Shvetambara Darshana of Jain Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Shvetambara Darshana of Jain Dharma Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Shvetambara Darshana of Jainism / Shvetambara Darshana of Jain Dharma (White Clad Perspective of The Perspective of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / White Clad Perspective of The Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / White Clad Perspective of The Perspective of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) / White Clad Perspective of The Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses)), founded by Rishabhanata, historically traced back to Parshvanata, and revived by Mahavira
      17. Digambara Darshana of Jain Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Digambara Darshana of Jain Dharma Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Digambara Darshana of Jainism / Digambara Darshana of Jain Dharma (Sky Clad Perspective of The Perspective of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Sky Clad Perspective of The Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Sky Clad Perspective of The Perspective of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses) / Sky Clad Perspective of The Principles of The Way of Conquerors (of Senses)), started by Sivabhuti, from 82 AD
        1. Chaarvaka Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Lokayata Darshana of Jain Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Chaarvaka / Lokayata (Harmonious Speech / World Oriented)
        2. Ajeevika Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Niyati Vaada of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Ajeevika / Niyati Vaada (The Perspective of the Way of Life according to Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / The Proposition of Fate according to Indian's who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Way of Life / Proposition of Fate)
        3. Ajnana Darshana of Non-Vedic Hinduism / Ajnana (Skeptic Perspective of Indians who don't follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge / Skepticism)
      18. Sikhism (Being a Disciple), started by Guru Granth Sahib

      Darshana Notes

  2. Astika

    • Should believe in Vedas (Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
    • Should believe in Atman (Soul)
  3. Nastika
    • Everyone Else

Sampradaya Notes

  • Vishishta Advaita
    • Vaishnava (Ramanuja)
    • Shaiva (Srinkanta Siva)


  • Jeung San Do (The Way of The Jeung San Mountain)
  • Mu-Sok / Mu-Ism / Sinism (Korean Shamanism)
  • Taoism (The Way)
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