
Rough Notes X2

Innocent Muslim Claims

Islam respects other religions

Islam only commands Jihad against those who broke treaties

  • Example 1: Interpretation of 2:190

  • Example 2: Yaqeen Institute

    • Source: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/jihad-in-islam-just-war-theory-in-the-quran-and-sunnah#ftnt_ref42
    • Ibn al-Qayyim (student of Ibn Taymiyyah) held:
      • "Killing is only necessary to confront war and not to confront unbelief. For this reason, women and children are not killed, neither are the elderly, the blind, or monks who do not participate in fighting. Rather, we only fight those who wage war against us. This was the way of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with the people of the earth. He would fight those who declared war on him until they accepted his religion, or they proposed a peace treaty, or they came under his control by paying tribute."
    • That is, Muslims believe that disbelief essentially leads to war, and to prevent it, they will kill all men excluding elderly, disabled or monks (an opinion which varies by Madhhabs)
      • For example, this does not address the question of whether Muslims initiated the war or not
      • The conditions of a "peace treaty" is questionable, once you read the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir on 9:29
        • There, the treaty seemed so submissive, as if it was written at gunpoint
        • This is the reference example of the nature of a treaty post the Conquest of Mecca
        • Also, that example was of Dhimmah, and it is in line with the verse that says that the Dhimmis should be taxed under the knowledge of their humiliation under the rule of Islam
    • A moderate interpretation of this is that not all disbelievers are to be killed, but only those who prevent Da'wah or practice of Islam in their territory.

Islam doesn't condone slavery

Aisha wasn't 9

Hadiths aren't valid

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