
Specific Problems with Christianity


  • https://qr.ae/psBGYZ (RSS is not terrorist)
  • https://qr.ae/psBGHy (RSS is not casteist)
  • Anyone in India who is NOT a Muslim, Christian, Parsi (Zoroastrian) or Jew by religion, is a Hindu.
  • Also Hindutva wants to decentralize economy, as opposed to the socialist, centralized form

Old Testament

Old Testament and Talmud

  • Old Testament
    • Hatred of Pagans (Reason)
      • Psalms 106:37
    • Story of Lot and Gomorrah
    • Samson's Marriage
      • Judges 14:16
    • Don't Hide Your Sins (Good)
      • Proverbs 28:13
  • Talmud
    • Sanhedrin 43a (Stoning Jesus)
      • He violated Deuteronomy 13:11-12 (Misleading people) and Leviticus 20:27 (Spirit Telling).

Sin (chet) is a result of improper channeling of our human impulses (Yetzer). We have Yetzer-Hatov (Good Inclination) and Yetzer-Hara (Good/Bad Inclination). And God forgives.

It is commonly said that Israel claimed to be superior than the others. But really, Israel only claims to be people chosen for a purpose. A commonly cited Talmud excerpt (Yevamot 62a.14) is that the Israelites consider Gentiles to be like donkeys, considering it to be pejorative. However, that was only a metaphoric tool used for declaring the legal status of the lineage a Gentile who wants to be Jew. The term donkey is not used in a pejorative sense.

The reality on how Israel views Gentiles is given in another excerpt where the Israelites consider Gentiles to be like dogs and themselves to be like donkeys. So when we walk the Earth, the commandments are like luggage. And the dogs, tired of the luggage, placed the burden on the donkeys, so that they both can walk in comfort. So the reference to dogs was only made in the sense that Israelites work harder for the sake of the Gentiles. This is from Sifrei Devarim 343:6 (donkey is written as ass, in case you don't see it with Ctrl+F). Sifrei Devarim is a Midrash text on the Book of Deuteronomy composed in 200 CE by Rabbi Akiva.

However, Mohammed said that they are like donkeys carrying around the Torah, by not understanding its contents (Quran 62:5).

Also, sin of Sodom was not explicitly mentioned as homosexuality by any prophets. They were only mentioned as wicked.
It was the Church that decided to call homosexuality the sin, although the prophets only refer to Sodom the city.
The people of Sodom tried to mass-rape the two heavenly emissaries.

Check these verses

Read these truly:

    1. Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10)
    2. If a man cheats on neighbour's wife, put them to death.
    1. Kill all witches (Ex 22:18)
    1. Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)
    1. Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)
    1. Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27)
    2. Kill necromancers and mediums
    1. Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4)
    2. Truth: God said all the souls who sins will die
    1. Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20)
    2. Truth: They looked into the Ark of the Covenant, which was holy and the laws for treating it was given in Numbers 4.
    1. Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32)
    1. Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17)
    1. Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21)
    2. Isaiah is talking about the sons of sinners
    1. Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron 15:12-13)
    2. It was under King Asa, and was only for those who want to stay in Jerusalem
    1. Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)
    2. REPEAT of 3
    1. Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15)
    1. Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20)
    2. SAME as 13
    1. Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)
    1. Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)
    2. REPEAT of 13 / SAME as 13
    1. Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51)
    2. It refers to someone who's not a priest approaching the tabernacle
    1. Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13)
    2. It's the Exodus story, and they had offered to not kill people first, but they wanted the land.
    3. Same applies in Islam (Quran and Sunnah, even beyond the Exodus story)
    1. Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)
    2. SAME as 14
    1. Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21)
    1. Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9)
    2. A plague was in Israel, and it was said to be due to worshipping other gods. Killing stopped the plague.
    1. Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14)
    2. REPEAT of 15
    1. Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-15)
    2. Same in Quran 2:54
    1. Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17)
    2. REPEAT of 12

Rearranging the verses

Exodus Rulings

    1. Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15)
    2. Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)
    3. Quotation Validity: Exact
    4. Propaganda: Duplicated next verse as a separate point.
    1. Kill all witches (Ex 22:18)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact
    1. Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14)
    2. Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)
    3. Quotation Validity: Exact
    4. Propaganda: Duplicated next verse as a separate point.

Leviticus Rulings (Levites)

    1. Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)
    2. Duplicate Verse: SAME as 1
    3. Quotation Validity:
    4. Propaganda: Duplicated verse without mentioning it.
      • Effect: Exploitation of people's psychology towards the "number" of events.
    1. Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10)
    2. Quotation Validity: Vague (adultery can mean anything)
    3. Explanation: If a man cheats on neighbour's wife, put them to death.
    1. Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact
    1. Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27)
    2. Quotation Validity: Vague (it was concerning spirit communicators)
    3. Explanation: Kill necromancers and mediums
    1. Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)
    2. Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)
    3. Quotation Validity: Vague
    4. Propaganda: Duplicated next verse as a separate point.
  • Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17)
    • Quotation Validity: Exact
    • Propaganda: Some things are more reasonable than questionable, but they add to the number of things.


    1. Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51)
    2. Quotation Validity: Misleading
    3. Explanation: It refers to someone who's not a priest approaching the tabernacle (house of God)
    4. Propaganda: Misleading people, and adding to number of points.
    1. Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact (yet misleading in context)
    3. Explanation: A plague was in Israel, and it was said to be due to worshiping other gods. Killing stopped the plague.
    4. Propaganda: Misleading people by not giving context, and adding to number of points.


    1. Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-15)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact (but slightly misleading)
    3. Quran Hypocrisy: Same event as in Quran 2:54
    4. Propaganda: As it is quoted, this is a duplicate of 10 (which applied to Israelis). However, that was during reforms, and this was during the time of Exodus.
    1. Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13)
    2. Duplicate Verse: Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17)
      • Exact Quotation (NIV): "However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy themโ€”the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusitesโ€”as the Lord your God has commanded you."
    3. Quotation Validity: Exact
    4. Explanation: It's the well known Exodus story, and they had offered to not kill people first, but they wanted the land.
    5. Quran Hypocrisy: Same applies in Islam (Quran and Sunnah, even beyond the Exodus story)
    1. Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20)
    2. Duplicate Verse: SAME as 1
    3. Quotation Validity: Exact
    4. Propaganda: Duplicated the same idea three times, as separate points.
    1. Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact

1 Samuel

    1. Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20)
    2. Quotation Validity: False
    3. Explanation: They looked into the Ark of the Covenant, which was holy and the laws for treating it was given in Numbers 4.
    4. Propaganda: Misleading people, and adding to the number of points.

2 Chronicles

    1. Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron 15:12-13)
    2. Quotation Validity: Exact (yet misleading)
    3. Explanation: It was under King Asa, and was only for those who want to stay in Jerusalem during a reform period.
    4. Propaganda: Ignoring context.


    1. Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21)
    2. Quotation Validity: Misleading
    3. Explanation: Isaiah is making a mock song about the Babylonian king, who's own people will kill his sons to destroy his lineage.
    4. Propaganda: It was a diss track, yet it was shown as a commandment.


    1. Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4)
    2. Quotation Validity: False
    3. Explanation: God said all the souls who sins will die
    4. Propaganda: Outright lies, and adding to number of points.


    1. Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)
    2. Quotation Validity: True (yet misleading)
    3. Propaganda: False prophets won't be killed on spot unlike Muslims do, they would ask them to stop lying first. Prophecy was considered important to the society at the time. A false prophet had the ability to divert the culture, and to lead them to what was considered away from the Lord.
    4. Quranic Hypocrisy: They avoided this problem by saying that Mohammed is the last prophet. But anyone who denied it will be killed under apostasy laws. They also attack within sects of their own, such as Shi'ites.


In essence, the commandments harmful to Jews are:

    1. Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15)
    2. Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)
    3. Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)
    4. Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20)
    1. Kill all witches (Ex 22:18)
    1. Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14)
    2. Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)
    1. If a man cheats on his neighbor's wife, put them to death (Lev 20:10)
    1. Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32)
    1. Kill necromancers and mediums (Lev 20:27)
    1. Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)
    2. Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)
    1. Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17) [More reasonable]
    1. Kill non-priests who approach the tabernacle (house of God) (Num 1:48-51)
    1. Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9) [More reasonable, under reform laws during a plague]
    1. Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21)
    1. Kill the ones who looked into the Ark of the Covenant (1 Sam 6:19-20)
    1. Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron 15:12-13)
    1. Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)

The verses harmful to non-Jews are:

    1. Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13) [In the Exodus story]
    2. Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17)

Notes on where and how the laws apply

Old Testament:

  • Lev 20:24-26 states that the rules (Lev 20:13, etc.) are for the people of Israel.
  • It is also the responsibility of the Judges (Dt 17:6-9).
  • Lev 1:1-2 states that the book is for Israel.

New Testament:

  • We are in the Church age (Eph 3:1-5).
  • The Church cannot punish sinners, only the government can (Romans 13:1-4).
  • Lord will deal with Israel in the End Times (Rev 7-19).
  • Paul is the Apostle of the Gentiles (Rom 11:11-13).
  • But only a small portion of the Bible is to Gentiles, most others are to Israel.
  • Bible doesn't specify or condemn death penality to homosexuals. But it doesn't oppose.
  • Romans 13:1-4 gives the state the power to execute criminals, but doesn't specify what is criminal.

  • God doesn't always want what's moral.

  • He wants his plan done.

New Testament

Problematic Verses 1

  • New Testament
    • Hatred of Pagans
      • Mathew 5:47
    • Marital Rape
    • Jesus claiming he's not come to abolish the old commandments
      • Mathew 5:17
    • Jesus claiming if you love him, we'll keep his commandments
      • John 14:15-17
    • Jesus claiming he's here to bring grace
    • And that all who are born are sinners destined to hell
    • Only his grace can save you
    • Jews are the sons of Satan
      • John 8:44 (incited violence)
    • Patriarchal Suppression of Women's Rights
      • 1 Timothy 2:12 (women should remain silent)

Problematic Verses 2

  • Romans 1:18-32
    • No excuse, they are all liars
  • Bible is the inspired word of God
    • Timothy 3:16
  • Acts 6:8-7:59
    • Stephen was stoned for blasphemy
  • Lamb and Seals (Far Cry 5 reference)
    • Rev 5-6
  • All those who don't do righteousness are not from God

    • 1 John 3:9-11
  • Jesus as Messiah (Old Testament)

    • Psalm 22
    • Isaiah 42-53
  • Conditions of Messiah (failed to satisfy)
    • Ezekiel 37:26-28 (build the Third Temple)
    • Isaiah 43:5-6 (bring Jews back to Israel)
    • Isaiah 2:4 (end wars)
    • Zechariah 14:9 (Spread knowledge of the God of Israel to unite humanity)
  • Claim that Prophets were killed
    • Mathew 23:33-36 (Jesus said Jews killed whoever he sent, from Abel to Zacheriah son of Berechiah)
    • 2 Chronicles 24:20-21 (Zacheriah, son of Jehoiada was killed)
    • 2 Kings 20-21

Nature of Christians outside the Bible

  • How Christians are in practice


Some of his more common lies are โ€œthere is no God,โ€ โ€œGod doesnโ€™t care about you,โ€ โ€œthe Bible cannot be trusted,โ€ and โ€œyour good works will get you into heaven.โ€

Christians justify that God ordered to kill all babies.
They justify that if God says so, killing people is moral.

They say that death is everywhere and humans cannot be united.
This is wishful thinking.

Evils of Christianity

  • Salem Witch Trials (massacre of educated women)
  • Antisemitic Pogroms (massacre of Jews)
  • Anti-Abortion campaigns (against rational philosophy)
  • Persecution of LGBTQIA+ (dangerous to mental health, violation of humanity)
  • Terrorist attacks (minimal in the modern world, but radicals exist)

Quran Verses

Fix Citation Format:

[Surah X (Al-Surah Title) : Ayah N]: "Verse Contents Bold Contents Rest of It"

  • Quran
    • Has some verses saying Allah will judge among Jews, Christians and Polytheists
    • Also some verses saying all Jews and Christians who worship Allah will be in heaven
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 62] (But Jews cannot be, because they will all have to be killed before the Hour)
    • Against Jews and Polytheists, Supporting Christians
      • [Surah 2 (al-Maidah) : Ayah 82] :-
    • Against Jews and Christians
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 89] :-
        • The Jews deny everything that came afterward, may Allah condemn them
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 96] :-
        • The Jews want to live forever, they are greedy
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 102] :-
        • The Jews follow the magic of Solomon's period rather than Allah's word
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayat 111-114]:
        • Their proofs are invalid
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 120] :-
        • Those who follow Jews or Christians would be misled
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 125] :-
        • We won't follow you, we follow Abraham's faith, who wasn't a polytheist
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayah 140] :-
        • Abraham's descendants were not Jews or Christians
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayat 142, 144] :-
        • Proceeds to change prayer direction from Jerusalem to Mecca
      • [Surah 2 (al-Baqarah) : Ayat 145-146] :-
        • They won't take your prayer direction, and the real ones recognize Mohammed as Prophet, while the others knowingly hide the truth
      • [Surah 2 (al-Maidah) : Ayah 14] :-
        • The Christians denied portions of the covenant
      • [Surah 2 (al-Maidah) : Ayah 18] :-
        • Jews and Christians claim to be the most beloved, but no, they are only humans proceeds to do the same thing
      • [Surah 2 (al-Maidah) : Ayah 51] :-
        • Do not take Jews or Christians as allies
    • Against Polytheists
      • 6:23 (Saying that they lie about their beliefs on Judgement Day)
      • 9:5 (Kill all the polytheists "who violate their treaties" (in sidenotes))
      • 9:6 (Protect Polytheists who ask for your protection, they are dumb)
      • 9:23 (Do not take parents and siblings as allies if they disbelieve)
      • 9:28 (Polytheists are spiritually impure)
    • Against Atheists and Polytheists
      • 98:6 (They're the worst of all beings and will be in hell)
      • 8:55 (The worst of all beings are those who have no faith)
      • 9:113 (Do not seek forgiveness for close relatives who are polytheists bound for Hellfire)
    • Against Disbelievers
      • 47:4 (Subdue them in battle, and free them as an act of grace or ransom until the war comes to an end)
    • Mocking Ezra and Jesus as The Son of God (May Allah condemn them)
      • 9:30
    • A woman's testimony is half as worth that of a man
    • Exception for 11 wives to Mohammed
      • 33:51
    • Hide your Sins (don't speak of them)
      • 4:148
    • Killing a boy in the name of future crimes
      • 18:65 (Moses meets an enlightened servant, al-Khidr and walks with him, but he does questionable things)
      • 18:74-76 (He killed an innocent boy, and Moses scolds him. He asks him to be patient, and Moses tells him this is the last time he's gonna question him, and he'll leave)
      • 18:80 (al-Khidr says that the boy was killed because his parents were true believers, and Allah believed he would pressure them into disbelief later)
      • People say that killing baby Hitler is okay, but not killing any babies by knowing of their potential evil nature. But they ignore something fundamental about how evil arises as an emergent phenomena, not as something spiritual.
    • Taking Sex Slaves
      • They have to take care of the captive women, and they can get intimate with them without nikah
        • Exceptions are pregnant women and women whose husbands are also made captives
        • But all adults are killed during war, so husbands cannot actually be captured.
      • 23:5-7 (Those who lose chastity not with wives or sex-slaves are transgressors)
      • 4:3 (Content yourselves with one of your bondwomen, if you can't treat 4 wives justly)
        • Christianity also sets the number of wives to one.
        • In Judaism, the number of wives was ideally one.
      • 70:29-31 (Same as 23:5-7, verbatim)
      • 4:24 (Married female captives are legal for marriage)
      • 4:25 (Impatient men who can't find a free Muslim woman should be given a Muslim* slave women to marry, if the master hasn't had relations with them)
        • True* translation (doubtful, I guess I'm wrong by most Tafsirs): It says slaves of Muslims should be given, not Muslims slaves. I read the Arabic translation (maybe my bad).
        • More Notes:
          • This is for impatient men. They can't marry slaves if they have free wives. (But what about Aisha Mohammed Hadith? I'll see)
            • But they can marry multiple slaves, although if they already have one wife, they can't be considered impatient? Scholars vary. Some say he's satisfied, others say one can have upto 4 wives to be satisfied.
          • Owners can't marry slaves without freeing them. But he can have sex.
            • This is because the contract of ownership is stronger than the contract of marriage. And one cannot have both, the contract of ownership supersedes, until she's freed.
              • And this is because the contracts of marriage give more rights that the contracts of slavery does not. So if she's not given those rights, it will make a contradiction.
        • Now, why would a slave believe? What would she gain?
          • The master can have sex with her whether she believes or not, so no gain.
          • Some impatient guy can have sex with her if she believes, so a downside.
          • Also acceptance of Islam nullifies her previous marriage (if husband is alive), so, unfaithful.
          • Is she coerced?
      • 30:28 (Would you ever allow your slaves to be equal partners in wealth to you?)
      • 24:33 (Only guideline: do not make them prostitutes to earn money / pimp)
      • 33:50 (Have relationships with wives to whom you've paid dowry to, and slave women)
      • 66:1 (Why refuse what Allah has made lawful?)
        • 66:2-4 (you can break such oaths, and when the wives asked, he replied Allah said so)
        • 66:5 (if they are annoying, he may divorce you and Allah may give him other better wives)
        • But an earlier worse said nobody can marry his wives if he divorces them
        • 66:6-9 to change context to instill fear of hell
        • 66:10 verse about bad women (Lot's daughters)
        • 66:11 verse about obedient women
        • 66:12 verse about Mariam, the chaste
      • Freeing slaves to make up for sins is mentioned, but one could also just repent
      • A slave woman could reject her master for illness, etc.
      • Don't marry polytheist women, believing slaves are better
        • Although slaves by definition would be originally non-Muslims
      • Many Tafsirs say that one can force slaves to do nikah, or marry them off without consent
      • All Verses on "Right Hand Possesses"
        • 33:50 (Mohammed can have sex with his Wives, Slaves, Cousins or Believing Women Who Ask to be his wives (without Mehr))
        • Quran 33.52, Quran 4.3, Quran 30.28, 16:71, 23:6
        • Quran 23:5-6, Quran 70:27-30, Quran 4:24
    • Treatment of Slaves
      • If a slave woman is married by the owner, the children will be free
      • If a slave woman is married to another man, the children will be slaves of the owner
      • By marrying slaves off, the owner gets more slaves, and is lifted of the burden of accommodating them.
      • 16:71 (Do not give what Allah has gifted you to your slaves to be equal with them)
    • Polygamy is good for men, bad for women
    • Some Muslims think it's okay to lie during Dawah (invitation/preaching)
    • God split water and heavens
      • Quran 21:30 (Surah Yunus)
      • This is out of Genesis
      • Contradictions
        • God made every living thing (in Earth) out of water (21:30)
        • God make Jinn from smokeless flame (55:15)
          • Muslim claim: Jinn was made before earth


Saheeh Ahadeeth

  • Ahadeeth

    • Incitement against Jews (and Turks)
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
      • Saheeh Muslim
    • Expulsion of Jews and Christians
      • Saheeh Muslim
        • 1767a (The Book of Jihad and Expeditions, Hadeeth 75): I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.
    • Fighting Disbelievers
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
        • 392 (Prayers (Salat), Hadeeth 44): Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah."
    • Demonizing Pictures
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
        • 5957 (Dress, Hadeeth 173): I purchased a cushion with pictures on it. The Prophet (came and) stood at the door but did not enter. I said (to him), "I repent to Allah for what (the guilt) I have done." He said, "What is this cushion?" I said, "It is for you to sit on and recline on." He said, "The makers of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, 'Make alive what you have created.' Moreover, the angels do not enter a house where there are pictures.'"
    • Washing Stains
    • Silence means Yes
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
        • 6946 ((Statements made under) Coercion, Hadeeth 7): I asked the Prophet, "O Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ)! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?" He said, "Yes." I said, "A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet." He said, "Her silence means her consent."
    • Killing LGB
      • Sunan Abi Dawud (Hasan Saheeh)
        • 4462 (Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud), Hadeeth 112): Prophet (๏ทบ) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
    • Hiding the sins of Muslims
      • Sunan Ibn Majah (Saheeh)
        • 225 (The Book of the Sunnah, Hadeeth 225): The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever relieves a Muslim of some worldly distress, Allah will relieve him of some of the distress of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever conceals (the faults of) a Muslim, Allah will conceal him (his faults) in this world and the Day of Resurrection.
    • Jihad against nonbelievers
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
        • 25 (Belief, Hadeeth 18): Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
        • 3015 (Jihad, Hadeeth 224): During some of the Ghazawat of Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) a woman was found killed, so Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) forbade the killing of women and children.
          • Note how it doesn't say kill only those who fight, so all adult males are to be killed (ones with pubic hair).
    • Killing all adult males who had pubic hair after battle
      • Jami at-Tirmidhi (Saheeh)
        • 1584 (The Book on Military Expeditions, Hadeeth 41): "We were presented to the Messenger of Allah (๏ทบ) on the day of (the battle of) Quraizah. Whoever had pubic hair was killed and whoever did not was left to his way. I was of those who did not have pubic hair so I was left to my way." Abu 'Eisa said: This Hadith is Hasan Saheeh. This is acted upon according to some of the people of knowledge. They consider pubic hair an indication of the age of responsibility, if it is not known whether he has had a wet dream, or his age. This is the view of Ahmad and Ishaq.
    • Revelation that sex slaves are lawful, when Aisha protested
      • Sunan an-Nasa'i (Saheeh)
        • 3959 (The Book of the Kind Treatment of Women, Hadeeth 21): It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but 'Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: "O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.' until the end of the Verse.
    • Censorship of Anal Sex Hadith
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari
        • 4526 (Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadeeth 50): Ibn Umar said, "It means one should approach his wife in .."
      • Against
        • Mishkat al-Masabih
          • 3191 (Book 13, Hadith 109)
          • 3192 (Book 13, Hadith 110)
          • 3193 (Book 13, Hadith 111)
          • 3194 (Book 13, Hadith 112)
          • 3195 (Book 13, Hadith 113)
        • Sunan Abi Dawud
          • 2162 (Book 12, Hadith 117)
          • 3904 (Book 30, Hadith 1) (Saheeh, also mentions Musa)
        • Jami at-Tirmidhi
          • 2980 (Book 47, Hadith 32) (Hasan)
          • 135 (Book 1, Hadith 135) (Hasan)
  • Eyes are the leather strap of the anus

    • Sunan Abi Dawud 203
      • In-book reference: Book 1, Hadith 203 (Hasan)
    • Mishkat al-Masabih 315
      • In-book reference: Book 3, Hadith 32
    • Many more hadiths, some Da'if, some hasan, some ungraded
  • Deny those who follow Musa

    • Sunan Abi Dawud 3904 (Saheeh, also mentions Musa)
      • In-book reference: Book 30, Hadith 1
  • Coitus Interruptus (with regards to selling slaves, and after taking them captive)

    • Saheeh Muslim 1438a
    • In-book reference: Book 16, Hadith 146

Weak Hadiths

  • Whoever hurts others annoys Allah
    • Sunan Ibn Majah 2342 In-book reference : Book 13, Hadith 35 (Da'if)
    • (The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islamโ€™ by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, p.336) The Prophet ๏ทบ said, โ€œHe who hurts a dhimmi hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys Allah.โ€ (Mawdu (fabricated))
    • True Hadeeth
      • (Al-Awsat 3607) The Prophet ๏ทบ said, โ€œHe who hurts a Muslim hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys Allah.โ€

Islam Data 1

  • Islam

    • Primary Sources
    • Secondary Sources
      • Ijma As Sahabah (Consensus of the Companions)
      • Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning)
    • Modern Additions
      • Maslahah Mursalah (Public Interest)
      • Maqasid (Aims of Shariah)
  • Ijtihad (Critical Thinking)

    • Istihsan (Equity in Islamic Law)
  • Urf (Customs)
    • Sadd al-Dharaโ€™i (Blocking the Means)

Only a Mujtahid can perform Ijtihad.

Secondary Sources in Detail

  • Fatwas of the Companions
  • Fatwas of the Followers (Tabi'un)
  • Consensus (Ijma')
  • The Practice of the People of Madina
  • Analogy (Qiyas)
  • Istihsan (Discretion)
  • Istishab (Presumption of Continuity)
  • al-Masalih al-Mursala (Public Interest)
  • adh-Dhara'i' (Means)
  • 'Adat (Customs) and 'Urf (Customary Usage)

  • Tafsirs (Commentary) (Based on the Quran, Hadiths, Fatwas of the Companions and the Fatwas of those who've known them)

    • Tafsir ibn Kathir (IK) (~1370)
      • By: Isma'eel ibn Umar Ibn Kathir
    • Tafsir al-Qurtubi (Q) (~1273)
      • Also called: Al-Jami li-Ahkam al-Quran (The collection of Quranic Injunctions)
      • By: Muhammad ibn Ahmad Qurtubi
    • Tafsir al-Tabari (T) (~922)
      • By: Jami al-bayฤn an tawil ay al-Quran, talif Abi Jafar Muแธฅammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
    • Tafsir al-Jalalayn (JJ) (1460-1505)
      • By: Jalal al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad Mahalli
    • Tafsir Ibn Arabi (K) (1165-1240)
      • By: Ibn al-Arabi, and Mu.hammad Ali, Abd al-Warith
    • More
      • Isfahani (Is)
      • Razi (R)
      • Samarqandi (Sa)
      • Tustari (ST)
      • Suyuti (Sy)
      • Tabrisi (Ts)
      • Zamashshari (Z)

Tafsirs are written by Mufassir (plural: Mufassiroon)

  • Madhhabs / Madhhahib (Schools of Jursiprudence)
    • Sunni
      • Active
        • Shafi'i (based on Imam Shafi'i)
        • Maliki (based on Imam Malik)
        • Hanafi (based on Imam Abu Hanifa)
        • Hanbali (based on Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal)
      • Other
        • Zahiri
        • Awza'i
        • Thawri
        • Laythi
        • Jariri
    • Shi'a
      • Popular
        • Ithna Ashari (Jafari Madhhab)
        • Isma'eeli
          • Druze is a branch off (non Muslim)
          • Nizari
            • Assassins
          • Taiyabi
        • Zaydi
      • Other
    • Muhakkima (People who say Judgement is of God) / al-Harurriya (Those who withdrew and Harur) (Rejectors of Arbitration by Ali in the Battle of Siffin) (Also derogatorily called Saba'iyya, or followers of สฟAbdallah ibn Sabaaสพ al-Himyaree)
      • Khwariji (Secessionists)
        • Azariqa
      • Ibadi / Ahl al-Haqq wa'l Istiqamah (People of Truth and Integrity), by Imam Abdallah ibn Ibad
        • Early subsects
          • al-Harithiyya (broke from Abu 'Ubayda by accepting the Mu'tazili position)
          • 'Umayriyya (followers of 'Isa ibn 'Umayr, in the first half of the 2nd (AH) / 8th (CE) century)
          • Husayniyya (followers of Ahmad ibn al-Husayn, in the early 3rd (AH) / 9th (CE) century)
            • Merged with mainstream Ibadism in the 7th (AH) / 13th (CE) century through the influence of Abu Yahya Zaakariyya ibn Ibrahim al-Baruni
        • Wahbi, based on Abd Allah ibn Wahb al-Rasibi's teachings, is seen as the purest form of Islam)
          • Nukkar (Deniers) (The denied second Rustamid Imam 'Abd al-Wahhab ibn 'Abd al-Rahman), based on Abu Yazid al-Nukkari's teachings
        • Azzabas (a Maddhab In North Africa, named after the region of Azzaba in Algeria)
        • Maddhabs
          • Abu Jabir Muhammad ibn Ja'far al-Izkawi wrote the Jami' ibn Ja'far (The Compendium of ibn Ja'far), or just al-Jami' (The Compendium) in 3rd (AH) / 9th (CE) century.
        • History
          • The Split at Nahrawan
            • The Kharijites formed by leaving 'Ali.
            • 'Abdallah ibn Wahb was chosen as the first Kharijite Imam.
              • Wahbi is seen as the purest Aqida of Islaam by Ibadis.
              • See the book "Al-'Aqida 'l-Wahbiyya" by Nasir ibn Salim ibn 'Udayyam al-Rawahi, a great poet also known as Abu Muslim, who wrote a poem in praise of the courage and faith of the thousands of Kharijite soldiers, including ibn Wahb, who met their death in the battle against 'Ali at al-Nahrawan.
            • He was killed at the battle of al-Nahrawan by Ali on 9 Shafar, 38 AH / 17 July, 658 CE.
            • Not all Khawarijis followed 'Abdallah ibn Wahb at Nahrawan.
          • History of Khawarijis
            • The Khawarijis were divided into militants (Shurat) and quietists (Qa'ada).
            • Someone assassinated 'Ali, and Mu'awiya, and members of his clan, Banu Umayya formed the Umayyad Khilafat, with its capital at Damascus, who ruled until they were overthrown by the 'Abbasids who made Bhagdad their capital and ruled from 132 AH / 750 CE to 656 AH / 1258 CE when the Mongol conquest happened.
            • Abu Bilal Mirdas ibn Udayya al-Tamimi was a a quietist Kharijite leader from Basra in southern Iraq.
            • He was the brother of one of the instigators of the Kharijite secession and a veteran of the massacre at Nahrawan, who disagreed with the violent tactics of the Khawarij, which included acceptance of the principle of Isti'rad (Religious Assassination).
            • Thus, Basra became a center of moderate Kharijism.
            • Abu Bilal was seen as a precursor of Ibadiyya.
          • Split of the Ibadis
            • After the death of second Umayyad Khalifa Yazid I, son of Mu'awiya in 64 AH / 683 CE, violent Khawarij rebellions formed.
            • The followers of Nafi' ibn al-Azraq, or the Azariqa attacked Basra, and the Omani Azd tribe of Basra attacked them and killed Nafi
            • Later, the Ummayad Khalifa 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan was able to take control over all provinces of the Islamic empire.
            • The most prominent quietist position was held by 'Abdallah ibn Ibad, of whom very little is known.
            • It's based on his name that the Azariqas were contrasted with, as Ibadis.
          • "Abu 'l-Sha'tha'" Jabir ibn Zayd, an associate of Mohammed's cousin 'Abdallah ibn al-'Abbas is seen as the true organizer of the Ibadis, and the successor of 'Abdallah ibn Ibad.
          • Jabir had positive relations with Ummayad governor of Iraq, al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, who supported moderate Khawirijis as a bulwark against the growth of Kharijite extremism.
          • When 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan died in 86 AH/705 CE and was succeeded by the pious 'Umbar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, many moderate Khawarij hoped for the realizations of a righteous Islamic imamate.
          • But many new quietist leaders wanted to take a more activist stance towards Jihaad.
          • Jabir himself felt compelled to take action, and instigated the assassination of one of al-Hajjaj's spies.
          • This led to a complete rupture in the relatively friendly relations the moderate Khawarij had enjoyed with the Umayyad regime.
          • Al-Hajjaj imprisoned many of them, and exiled many others to Oman.
          • Abu 'Ubayda Muslim ibn Abi Karima al-Tamimi was a student of Jabir ibn Zayd, who was among those who were imprisoned.
          • Abu 'Ubayda is seen as the second Ibadi Imam.
          • The first Ibadi political imamate was established in Hadramawt in 128 AH / 745 CE.
            • Some History -
          • The Rustamid imamate was overthrown by Shi'ite Fatimids in 296 AH / 909 CE.
          • The fall of Rustamid and Omani imamates at the end of the 3rd (AH) / 9th (CE) centuries led to the development of the doctrines of Taqiyya (religious dissimulation) and Kitman (living in secret dissension from the ruling authorities)
          • In North Africa, the 'Azzaba councils developed to replace the Imamate.
          • Just as the decline in power of the 'Abbasid Khilafat led to Sunnis developing their jurisprudence, Ibadi scholars also wrote down the Ibadi doctrine and jurisprudence during this period (late 3rd (AH) / 9th (CE) century).
          • Then the rest is the history of Oman
        • Beliefs
          • According to Algerian scholar Muhammad ibn Yusuf Atfayyish, the term todo

I guess there are sects (denomications) based on historical events, and sects have both Aqidah and Madhhabs.

  • Major Denominations (including Sufi, Quranists, Ahmadiya and Non-Muslims)
  • Sub Denominations
  • Aqidah (mix and match)
  • Madhhab (mix and match)

  • Aqidah

    • Sunni
      • In Terms of Belief
        • Ahl Al-Hadith (People of Ahadeeth)
          • Athari / Ahl al-Athar (basically Hanbali theology)
        • Ahl Al-R'ay (People of Reason) (Between Athari Literalism and Mu'utazila Rationalism)
          • Ash'ari, by Sheik / Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari
          • Maturdi, by Sheik / Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi
      • In terms of Ihsan (Beauty)
        • Sufis / Ahl al-Wijdan wa al-Kashf (People of Religious Ecstasy and the Matters of the Heart)
    • Shi'a
    • Ibadi
    • Salafi
    • Directly Violent Jihadists
      • Wahhabi (by Muhammad Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab)
      • Qutbi (by Sayyid Qutb, of Muslim Brotherhood) (Wanted to eliminate all traces of Jahiliyya (Age of Ignorance) by Jihad al-Talab in all of Earth)

Conflicts Between Muslims

  • Shia-ism is not the same as Islam
  • Shia Muslims only approve Ijmas if they include the Imam's opinion

  • Salafism

  • Khilafa Movement (to rebuild the Caliphates)

Specific Contexts in Islam

  • Believe Hadeeths Verse

    • 4:80 (Obey Prophet)
    • 24:63 (Don't disobey him)
    • 4:65 (You won't be true believers until you accept him as your judge)
    • 8:24 (Respond to Allah and his messenger)
    • Al-Tirmidhi reported from Abu Raafiโ€™ and others that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: โ€œI do not want to see any one of you reclining on his couch and, when he hears of my instructions or prohibitions, saying โ€˜I donโ€™t accept it; we didnโ€™t find any such thing in the Book of Allah.โ€™โ€ Abu โ€˜Eesaa said: This is a saheeh hasan hadeeth. (See Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Shaakir edition, no. 2663).
  • People justifying killing polytheists

    • Surah 9:5 isn't forbidden afterwards.
    • Also, treaty is irrelevant for when Muslims conquered the land, meaning a treaty was broken.
    • They remove parts of 2:191 saying drive them out from where they drove you out (meaning they came to attack you)
    • They reply, emotions will lead you to failure, and follow the jurisprudence books, like the Book of Jihad
    • https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/80319/permissibility-to-kill-all-adult-males
  • Masturbation

  • Verse on sex revealed


  • The claim that Islam made people release slaves
    • The idea is that slaves could be released, as one of the ways to erase sins
    • Suppose I could buy games for currency
    • Will I be inclined to spend currency for games, or to hoard currency?

Saheeh Bukhari 9:89:296 states โ€œThe Prophet (๏ทบ) came to know that one of his companions had given the promise of freeing his slave after his death, but as he had no other property than that slave, the Prophet (๏ทบ) sold that slave for 800 dirhams and sent the price to him.โ€

Two more:

  • Logical Inconsistency of Slaves
    • If both a wife and husband are slaves, the owner can't have sex with them
    • The slave girl can deny sex
    • The slave girl cannot be forced to work

You chose to humble yourselves. But who is it that you chose to humble yourselves towards?
You chose to humble yourselves towards someone who asked of you, to cast aside your humanity.
What does that make you?

  • Comparing Amendment of constitution to Bible and Torah
    • My leg grew, can't I change my shoes?
    • My style changed, I learned new skills. Can't I wear studs now to improvise? Or should I continue to play barefoot?

Killing people:
Like-wise, the famous Hanafi scholar al-Kashani said, โ€œThe principle is that it is permissible to kill anyone from amongst the people who are at war (with the Muslims), whether they fight or do not fight.

Analysis of "Kafir's Blood Is Halal for You, So Shed It" (https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(20)31292-5.pdf). It studies the use of grammar to alter "mood and speech" to make them hate "Mushirikins".

ISIS Rape: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/world/middleeast/isis-enshrines-a-theology-of-rape.html

The problem with taking a religion ("no contradictions"):
Say I sharpen a pencil. I can put the waste in my box (in a waste section), or walk up to the dustbin. Is there a contradiction in any of these actions? No. But someone can put it on the floor. It could be argued that it is harmful for the environment or the workers. But the person could say that they don't care about workers or the environment. Now, to change his mind is a very difficult task. Although there are no contradictions in this situation, there are contradictions when you consider the larger picture.

What I mean when I say Islam is harmful:
When I say that I know that Islam is harmful, even more than Muslims, I say it in a similar manner as I know that Alcohol is harmful even without drinking alcohol myself. Of course, moderate alcoholics do not pose a problem, but I can still know that if someone gets them to try something stronger, and being alcoholics, they are less likely to

But realistically
Hell, it is even realistic for Christianity.

  • Who all can be captives?

    • Claim: Only females who fight can be captured
    • Claim: Only men who fight can be killed.
  • What happens when you fight

    • People of the Book can pay Jizya
    • Others will have to be fought till they convert
      • Hanafi School: Jizya can be taken from everyone except Arab polytheists and apostates
      • Maliki School: Jizya can be taken from everyone except apostates
      • Shafi'i and Hanbali Schools: Jizya can be taken from Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians (Ahl al-Kitab)
  • 9:29 (Take Jizya only from those who were given the Scripture)

This guy quotes Mughal Emperor Aurangazeb's fatwa for Jizya (to not take it from Hindus): (https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/2e5utf/comment/kqi8g8i/)

He also says that Fitrah is innate to all humans, and it is only later in life that they are indoctrinated to Christianity and Atheism. And he complains that the rules of Jizya are perfect even to those who are denied it, unlike the western world which lets everyone live, because it is according to the whims of man, while Islam is the unwavering absolute truth as commanded by God.

Hindu answer (on Hindutva): https://qr.ae/pszIQD

Comparison of Jews and Mohammedans

What the Jews did What Mohammed did
Came from Europe to settle in old Israel, now in Ottoman Came from a cave to Mecca, Arabia with a "revelation"
Arabs attacked them, but they remained there. They were attacked everywhere, so there was no point in moving. Told others that their religions were false, so they attacked him, so he moved from Mecca to Medina
The UN declared a partition plan, but the Arabs rejected it. That is because the Arabs can never agree to peace. Established a treaty with them, but they didn't follow it. Muslims claim that it is because polytheists have no honour.
They didn't start a battle, but the Arabs fought them when they went with the partition plan. So they fought the battle, but they didn't kill everyone. Instead, 20% of Israelis are Arabs. And they didn't collect something like Jizya from them to humiliate them to let them live there. So they killed every single member of those tribes, "except those from The People of The Book (Ahl Al-Kitab)", "who paid Jizya tax", "in humiliation to Islam" (Surah 9, Ayah 5).
  • They wage war because one of two people didn't follow it, and everyone were punished for it. And it is doubtful whether all polytheists were killed, or if some were allowed to live under humiliation.

  • 33:59 to 33:62

    • The Tafsirs say Hijab should be worn (59)
    • The Tafsirs say apostates should be killed (60-62)
  • 2:67

    • A cow was to be sacrificed to revive a dead man by hitting him with a piece of it.
    • What does god need with a starship?

Stupidities 1

  • Sun will moves to the resting place, and will ask the permission of Allah to rise. Interpretation of Verse 36.28.
    • Sun sets in a spring of warm water
      • Sunan Abi Dawud 4002 (Dialects and Readings of the Qur'an (Kitab Al-Huruf Wa Al-Qira'at), Hadith 34)
    • Sun glides under it reaches its resting place under Allah's Throne, and prostrates until it's asked to rise, when it will go to the rising place. Then, it will be asked to go in the other direction
      • Saheeh Muslim 159a (The Book of Faith, Hadith 304)
    • Sun always prostrates under Allah's Throne. Then it always prostrates and asks permission to rise, and it will be permitted. But one day, it will be denied the permission, and will be asked to rise in the other direction.
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari 3199 (Characteristic of the sun and the moon, Hadith 10)
    • The fixed course of the sun (36.28) is under the Throne of Allah
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari 7433 (Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed), Hadith 60)
    • The Sun prostrates underneath Allah's Throne
      • Saheeh al-Bukhari 4802 (Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh))

Things I want to cover

  • [x] Jurispudence Terms
  • [ ] About sex slaves
  • [ ] About when is Jihad applicable
  • [ ] Whom can Jizya be taken from?
  • [ ] Islamic State Fatwas
  • [ ] Fatwa Resources
  • [x] Israel-Palestine Conflict
  • [ ] Extra: Stupidity
  • [ ] Extra: Immorality



  • Aisha didn't hit puberty (Video: Acts 17 Polemics)
    • Sunan Abu Dawud 4933
      • Sunnah.com translation: She breathed at the door, and I laughed. Because meant she menstruated.
      • Darusallam translation: She breathed.
      • Other translations: She said he he (as in, breathed) and he laughed.
      • Also, "cohabitation" is a mistranslation of "intercourse".
  • Aisha was playing with dolls right before that
    • Sunan Abu Dawud 4931-4932
  • Aisha was playing on swings when she was called for consummation
    • Sunan Abu Dawud 4933-4937
  • More Hadiths
    • Saheeh Muslim 1422a
      • Sunnah.com: I was playing with my playmates. I said ha ha (as if I was gasping) until my agitation was over.
    • Saheeh Muslim 1422c
      • Sunnah.com: "he" (instead of "she") - indicating mistranslations
    • Saheeh al-Bukhari 3894
      • Sunnah.com: I was breathless then. (After playing).
  • Prophet visited her family from the moment she could recall

    • Saheeh al-Bukhari 476 (86)
      • Darusallam translation: She'd seen her parents following Islam since she hit puberty, and Prophet visited us not a day after.
      • Translator translation: The word isn't puberty, but "since I could recall".
      • Aishab Yuli's translation (464): I have no recollection of my parents doing anything but following Islam.
    • Saheeh al-Bukhari 2297
      • Darusallam translation: Prophet visited us from the moment I could recall.
  • Waiting period for divorce is only three months for girls above menstruating age

    • Verse 65:4
    • That is, for girls below it, there is no waiting period.
    • For Jews, the similar idea (about virginity) was about rape.
    • For Muslims, this is about divorce.
  • Tafsir on 65:4

    • Debating whether pre-pubescent girls can be divorced right away, or if one should wait for her to menstruate and then wait three months.
      • (https://quran.com/ar/65:4/tafsirs/ar-tafsir-al-baghawi)
  • Fath ul-Bari is ibn Hajar al-Asqalani's Sharh (Commentary of Hadeeth) on Saheeh al-Bukhari. He's one of the greatest scholars in Islam.


Saheeh al Bukhari 5134 Narrated Aisha:

that the Prophet (๏ทบ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that Aisha remained with the Prophet (๏ทบ) for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Saheeh al Bukhari 6130 Narrated Aisha:

I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fath-ul-Bari page 143, Vol.13)


Misogyny (my bad)

  • Whoever has a girl child will frown
    • 16:58 (ACTUALLY that was for polytheists)

Dumb Ruling (my bad)

  • An adulterer should marry an adulteress or polytheist
    • 24:3 (BECAUSE they're non-Muslim evil ones)

Stupidity in Community 1

  • StackOverflow is built by Israeli/American Jew, who is openly gay
  • Well, Google search, and most of the web too is built by Jews and Americans. Alan Turing was gay.

  • Saheeh Al-Bukhari (3094)

    • Allah's Apostle said his property isn't to be inherited, but given to charity
    • Abu Bakr took it for the purpose of giving it to charity
    • Umar then took it to give it to charity
    • Ali and ibn Abbas asked them to inherit it
    • Umar told them that it is not to be inherited
    • So they told him to give it to them
    • Under the condition of giving it to charity, he gave it to them
  • To kill or not to kill Muslims who fight each other

Detailing Counters

  • Aisha's age (8 min video, by Towards Eternity)

    • Video Type: Appealing vocal music (sounds like snake charming)
    • Rhetoric:
      • "Islamophobes use these arguments to turn Muslims away."
      • "They want to paint the idea that prophet was a lustful man."
      • "One of the things hypocrites have been talking about"
      • "They accuse his of being, Ma'adhallah, a lustful person"
      • "It's a slander. How? Simply by looking at the life of our prophet Ali Salat Wasallam"
    • Premise: Libido begins at puberty, at 12, remains high till 40 and descends. At that time, it was a bit earlier.
      • Status: Questionable
      1. Prophet married his first wife only at 25, a late age.
      1. His first wife was not 16, but was 40.
      2. Khadija was a widow with three children.
      3. She proposed to Mohammed, because he was known for being handsome.
      4. He was also known for his ethics, and he was chaste and honest person. (Questionable)
      5. He'd never lied, so much that others called him El-Amin (The Trustworthy). (Questionable)
      6. Even his enemies trusted their belongings to him (Questionable).
      7. So it was easy for him to marry any girl he wanted, yet he chose a 40 year old.
      8. Was it for lust then? (My claim: Neutral, beauty is subjective, and could've been skill issue)
      1. When she became an old woman and lost her beauty, he didn't think of marrying another woman (My claim: Neutral, beauty is subjective)
      1. He only married after she died, after he was 51. Was it for lust then?
  • Same video or next? That No one in the past blamed Mohammed for marrying Aisha.

    • I think, next video, 4:00 and forward
  • Normal person's viewpoint

      1. Mohammed was not a likable person, so that's probably why he didn't get women.
      1. He was 40 (15 years into marriage when he began to preach)
      1. His wife died 10 years later, aged 65 (Year of Sorrow)
      1. He moved to Medina after that, and he gained power
      1. That's where he married 10 new wives
      1. Prophet had sex with slaves (beats the argument that he was not lustful)
      1. Prophet had sex with a child (pedophilia)
      1. The child's parents were Muslim (beats the claim that they were from other tribes)
  • Aisha's age (50 min video)

    • Video Type: Prophet Salallahu Ali Wassalam His Ali Wassalam wife Aisha Ali Wasslam
  • Claim that Aisha was older: https://old.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/tptmn/the_ages_of_asma_bint_abi_bakr_and_aisha_bint_abi/

    • It's from non-Saheeh Hadith like Tafsir Ibn Kathir
  • Other claim, by Yaqeen Institute: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/tag/more-than-just-a-number-perspectives-on-the-age-of-aisha-ra (Papers, Video Collections, Infographic)
  • Others claim Bukhari isn't reliable - but that's a shortly held opinion

  • I'm not trying to shame Mohammed, I'm just proving that it is just the way of a medieval tribe.

  • I do not find shame in pedophilia, I only find that it is wrong, as the child is not mature.
  • I do not believe in punishing those who do wrong, only correcting them.
  • Retributive Justice culture is a Middle Eastern problem.
  • My problem is with people bringing the medieval ways to the 21st century.

  • People justifying child marriage

    • https://luk.staff.ugm.ac.id/kmi/off/XIslam/USA/chap0302.html (Excerpt of a letter sent to Egyptian editor)
      • Husband's friend liked her 9 year old daughter, and agreed to marry her.
      • He announced it with great joy.
      • When she objected, he said, he's following the prophet's example in al-Bukhari.
    • Same article (Excerpt of a letter sent to the same editor by a police officer)
      • Man of 84 wanted to marry a 14 year old, and he was invited
      • He asked why he wants to marry a child
      • He said that his three wives became old, and when a woman gets old, she will be like a rusty car.

Stupidities 2

  • Prohibition of Alcohol (to verify)

    • Alcohol was sign from Allah. Then it changed after drunk Hamza insulted Mohammed as his family slave.
    • 16:67 Intoxication used to be among the signs from Allah
    • 47:15 (Wine will be a reward in paradise)
    • 4:43 (Don't go to prayer while drunk)
    • 5:90-91 (Alcohol is from Satan)
    • Order of Quran Revelation:
      • Mecca:
        • Quran Order: 12 (Revelation Order: 53)
        • Quran Order: 16 (Revelation Order: 70)
      • Medina:
        • Quran Order: 2 (Revelation Order: 87)
        • Quran Order: 47 (Revelation Order: 90)
        • Quran Order: 4 (Revelation Order: 92)
        • Quran Order: 5 (Revelation Order: 112)
    • Clearly, the explicit prohibition came in 5, later (16, 47, 4, 5)
    • al-Bukhari Hadith 2375 (Book 42 (Distribution of Water), Hadith 23)
      • Hamza was drinking wine. Mohammed went to Hamza and spoke harshly to him. Hamza asked him, aren't you only the slaves of my forefathers? Mohammed went out. This happened before the prohibition of drinking.
    • One article says prohibition was revealed after Hijrah
  • Other verses about alcohol:

    • 2:219 (More evil than good)
    • 5:90-91 (Alcohol is from Satan)
    • 12:36
    • 12:41
    • Tafsir Ibn Kathir (IK) on 2:219-220 says the prohibition was gradual to convince them.
    • Three step prohibition
        1. Discourage (2)
        1. Don't do prayers (4)
        1. Full prohibition (5)
      • Pre-Prohibition
        • 12 (discourage?), 16; and 47 (after 2)
    • Muslims argue on grape wine vs alcohol.
    • Some think heroin is okay, because it is not explicitly prohibited.
    • 56:17-19 (non-intoxicating alcohol in heaven)
    • 47:15 (delicious wine)
  • Sin is vital (Allah prefers those who repent rather than are righteous)

    • Saheeh Muslim 2748b, 2749
    • Riyad as-Salihin 1871, 422
  • Using a watermelon is better than hand (masturbation)

    • Ibn al-Qayyim, an important Hanbali scholar, in "Badaสพi al-Fawaสพid" p.1472
  • Alcohol

    • Prayers will not be accepted for forty days
      • According to Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 63, p. 488. (Ahadith by Shia scholar Muhammad Baqir Majlisi)
      • This is one of the secondary Ahadiths Shias use alongside their four main Ahadith books
  • Semen is pure

    • Aisha used to scrape off dried semen (Muslim: 288, in Chapter 32 (Ruling on Semen))
    • She used to wash semen off his dress (Muslim: 289b) (Bukhari:229-232 (Chapter 64 (see title), 65 (see title)))
    • If it was dried, I'd scrape it off my nails, and if it was wet, I'd wash it (Muslim: 290)
    • They say, for menstrual blood, it had to be washed (Muslim: 291, Bukhari: 277)
      • So semen, unlike menstrual blood is pure.
    • Ibn al-Qayyim in "Badaสพi al-Fawaสพid":
      • Excrement like Suptum, Mucus and Sweat are pure
      • Semen is pure because it's unlike urine and faeces

Some Tafsirs are based on r'ai (opinion) and delve into "dangerous" areas like philosophy and exaggerations in trying to read between the lines, which causes some Mufassirun to abandon certain narrations. e.g. al-Razi's Tafsir (it was said: "It contains anything but Tafsir". But it had interesting explanations.)

  • Nikah Mutah was banned by Sunni, not Shia

  • Word of God cannot be corrupted

    • 3:4 (Bible and Torah are the word of God)
    • 18:27, 6:115 (The word of God cannot be corrupted)
    • Of course, when it comes to Quran, it's context.
  • Muslims believe God is so pure that he cannot possibly become human.

  • Lying is allowed (Taqiyya)

    • Jami at-Tirmidhi 1939 (Saheeh):
      • Asma bint Yazid narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "it is not lawful to lie except in three cases:
        • Something the man tells his wife to please her,
        • To lie during war, and
        • To lie in order to bring peace between the people."
  • Preachers

    • Zakir Naik (Indian)
    • Dr. Shabir Ally (Canadian?)
    • Assimal Hakeem (the Arab)
    • Mufti Menk (Funny looking Arab)
    • Usthad Simsarul Haq Hudavi (Kerala)
  • Changing verse contradiction

    • 16:101 (When WE change a verse, they say "Mohammed", you are a fabricator. But they don't know.)

      • Citenoted 2:106, as an example of the slow prohibition of alcohol
  • Killing child

Prayer Mixed Speech

Paragraphs (I split into): 14

So Alhamdulillah, we've moved into a different set up, but I pray that Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala makes it more beneficial. It's more conducive to, a classroom environment. It is better to have people packed in, and you know hopefully, Insha Allah Ta'ala, being regular in some of the classes that we have here. But obviously this is a very unique lecture that we have here tonight.

It's it's not one that's in response to any sort of emergency. It's actually one that compliments- is meant to compliment the collection that we just released which has been in the works for months (Alhamdulilla Rabbil Aalameen) on the age of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha and the name of the collection was "More Than Just A Number".

And the idea was to make sure that we don't only contextualize the age of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha in broader context, using an interdisciplinary approach as did Asadullah along with Dr. Brown, or looking at you know, what the definition of a child has been and is today and will be in the future, but instead to actually reclaim the entire narrative about Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha.

And I've told this story in the past before, about you know an incident that I had with a woman at University of Florida who could not come to terms or grapple with this particular issue of the age of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha. But Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala blessed her through knowing the person of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha and had to actually come to Islam through that knowledge of Aisha as a person and actually to name her daughter Aisha once she gave birth to Aisha.

Because one thing if you just pay very close attention to if you attend Jamar Al Tubaz(?), if you attend Islamic lectures, the amount of mentions that Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha gets is more than any woman in the lifetime of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam, and as much as any man in the lifetime of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam.

In fact the last lecture that I gave here, I ended off with a story about Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha. Because through Aisha we know the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam. Through Aisha we know our religion. Through Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha we developed not just a greater appreciation of love for the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam but we actually develop a greater love and appreciation for her, and she is our mother.

So I want you to first and foremost understand that we're talking about your mom, my mom. She is as beloved to us as our own biological mothers would be. And she is our mother because Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala gave her that distinction when he gave that distinction to the wives of the messenger Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam. And she is our mother, and that she is the access, that had we not had, we would not know our religion in the way that we know our religion today.

Can you imagine how much we'd be deprived from were not for Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha and the wisdom of Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala in placing a woman like each Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha in the life of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam, and by extension in our lives through her example, and through her entrance into the example of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam.

So where does the debate about the age of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha come into and it's very interesting, because the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam came sometime fourteen hundred and fifty years ago. All right, so we're talking, you know centuries ago. And over the years there have been different attacks on the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam, and obviously there is an agenda behind the attacks on the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, starting from the time that he lived Himself Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam.

And, as you go through, generation after generation, you see the evolution of those attacks on the person and the character of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam. This particular topic, which is a favorite talking point of Islamophobes today, was not just a minor point or a footnote in the talking points of Islamophobes over thirteen centuries. It was completely non-existent, meaning you cannot find in the hundreds and hundreds of books of attacks on the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam's character from Quraysh to the Orientalists, to the to the early European writers on the character of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam, you cannot find a single attack on this particular facet of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam's life. Not one person takes objection to it.

In fact it is not even an item for discussion within the Islamic tradition itself. There are no lengthy discourses about the age of Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha that exists from an Imam al-Ghazali or Sheikh ul-Islam ibn Taymiyya (a Hanbali scholar). So both the defense, as well as the discourse, not necessarily in the context of a defense, both of those are contemporary issues that have been brought up. So when we say not only was this not an issue in the time of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam, in the 7th century, where Quraysh employed every attack they possibly could on the character and the person of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, it was not an issue until the 21st century.

Yet somehow it's become the favorite talking point to try to portray the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam in a certain way. And there are numerous ways that we could approach the issue. You could approach it and say well look at marriages in the past right. And you could say you could point to how unfair the uniqueness of the critique of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam is in this regard. Because if you took from Christian tradition or Jewish tradition or completely secular tradition, you will find people that were married with much larger age gaps than that of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam and Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha, including for example those that that believe that Mariam Alayhi Al-Salaam, that Mary was married to Joseph, and the age gap being almost twice as much as the age gap between the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam and Aisha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha, with Maria Alayhi Al-Salaam that I'm being in her teens and Joseph being in his 80s, but that not being a discussion, not being an issue to be brought up.

And I remember you know it was interesting to me as I was looking when I first started studying the biographies of people and the time of the Prophet Salallahu Alayihi Wasallam as a whole, and I'll never forget something that actually happened with me and it wasn't in the context of an attack or a discourse. I was just reading in the Tabaqat and the Isaba about Abd Allah Ibn Amir ibn Al Aas, May Allah Be Pleased With Him And His Father. And it listed Amir ibn Al Aas, and the mother of Abd Allah ibn Amir ibn Al Aas as 12 and 10 when Abd Allah was born. And I went hmm, that must be a typo. Then I realized it wasn't, because I started cross-checking all the sources- like wait, they had twelve-year-old parents back then? Could you imagine, a twelve-year-old walking around with a child, right? A 12 year old man and a 10 year old woman walking around in the (?)? And you'd be like, wait what is this?

That's because human beings looked so decidedly different 1,400 years ago than they do today, right. And Subhan Allah you finding Imam Al-Shafi'i Rahim Allah talking about, you know a 50 year old grandmother with a 13 year old grandson, and you're just like what's going on here? How is this all evolving? And cases of law that took place at the time and..

Max: 36% honorific
Avg: 15% honorific

Stupidity in Community 2

  • Kerala

    • 7 Preachers: https://www.opindia.com/2021/11/kerala-highest-literacy-state-islamic-preachers-making-absurd-utterances/
      • Shopping Malls are haram because women may look at men (Scholar Hussein Salafi)
      • Women with big breasts are in paradise (Maulana EP Abubakar Qasmi)
      • Red Cross and other medical symbols are un-Islamic (Salafi Preacher Abdul Muhsin Aydeed)
      • Women who go out after 9 are prostitutes, they deserve to be raped (Maulana Swalih Bathery)
      • Rulers should kill those who leave Islam and not repent: To 12th graders (Shafi Saadi Kumaramputtur)
      • Turn Kerala into an Islamic State in the next 10 years (Mujahid Balussery)
    • Shun non-Muslims (Shamsudheen Fareed)
  • I swear by Allah, none of you truly believes until you trust Allah more than you trust that which is in your hands" Aisha (RA)

    • Of course, if I believe a soap is water, then I can believe anything
    • You cannot believe in lies unless you stop trusting the truth
    • You can't believe there is an invisible dragon unless you believe in lies
    • You can't believe rape is good, unless you trust what my philosophy says
    • Context: She was talking about keeping faith. Muslims using it in different contexts, and that's what my reply is about.
    • And no, Aisha is not the smartest woman to ever live.

Thought: About Religious People

  • Those who want religion are those who are bad

    • They do bad things, and the guilt weighs upon them
    • They seek forgiveness, and they find it from God
    • They again blame the victims again, for not being religious
  • Religious people are dumb

  • But they also want power
  • And power hungry idiots refuse to reason
  • So they think, if God is GOD, why should he conform to your reasons?
  • They do not think that a creator would be as dumb as them
  • So certainly, the God of their religion is created from their own image, of stupidity

  • An example they use is, you should not question your parents

  • But, question can imply different things
  • It is recognized that a parent is the legal caretaker of the child
  • But when given an order, asking the question "WHY" can mean two things
  • In one sense, a reply would be "because I said so". This is assuming the why is a rebellious question.
  • By assuming the question is rebellious when it really isn't, the parent pressures the child later on to be rebellious.
  • In another sense, a reply would be, because I want you be like this, and I believe doing so will go against that goal, and therefore, I'm telling you this.
  • The difference is that, to this answer, one can further ask whys towards a specific detail of the decision, share ideas and come to a more peaceful understanding.

Hadiths 2

  • Ruling Regarding Hermaphrodites (Chapter 53 of Book of Etiquettes)

    • Sunan Abu Dawud 4928-4931
      • Do not kill the effeminate man who died his hands and feet with henna, but prayed. Instead expel him. (Da'eef)
      • Expel them from homes
    • Verdict:
      • The hadith on not killing effeminate men is weak
      • But that on expulsion of hermaphrodites, effeminate men and tomboys are Saheeh.
      • So effeminate men are not safe.
      • Hermaphrodites are said to be cursed.
      • All of them are to be expelled.
      • Tomboy can mean any woman who questions authority, or works jobs.
  • Chapter 54 of Book of Etiquettes is about Aisha playing with dolls (which are forbidden for adults)

  • Chapter 55 is about Aisha called for consummation of marriage, while playing with swings

  • Playing with pigeons is Satanic

    • Sunan Abu Dawud 4940: Messenger of Allah saw a man chasing a pigeon and he said: โ€œA devil chasing a she-devil.โ€ (Hasan)
  • About Mut'a marriage

  • Quran 4:117 (Surah An-Nisa)

    • Hatred of female gods explicitly as idols (MY BAD)
  • Instead of improving from history, these idiots follow it.

  • Dirty well water is holy (Zam Zam)


  • When Muslims are a minority, they want minority rights. When they are a majority, there are no minority rights.
  • When Islam is criticized in Islamic countries, it's blasphemy. When it is criticized in non-Islamic countries, it's Islamophobia.

  • What the hell is the left doing?

  • Sarah Haider (ex-Muslim)

    • Islam is a sexist religion
    • Islam is very political
  • What Muslims see: They are a bunch of mu'tazillas (deviants according to Sunnis). Islam is perfect, Muslims are not.

    • What we see: Bunch of crazy followers of Mohammed
    • What are Mu'tazillas, and why do Sunnis reject them?:
      • Orthodox Sunnis believe the Quran is the uncreated word of Allah and is co-eternal with Allah.
      • Mu'tazillas believe that since Quran is the word of Allah, it was created later by Allah.
    • What we see: Their own political or theological disagreements keep them divided, and their insistence on theocracy makes it a problem for all others, while each of them say that "the problem is not us, but them".
      • They think if you really knew Allah, you wouldn't have a complaint with their version of Islam.
      • They do not think that human lives have intrinsic value, and they believe that when they die, the true believers will go to Allah, so death is not that big of a deal for them compared to their faith.
      • In essence, they are a death cult, and they expect the others to share the same perspectives.
  • Master List: https://old.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1950w67/trying_to_educate_a_tiktok_kid_on_islam_is_torture/

  • Analogy: consider a cult that sacrifices children

    • We only have a problem with child sacrifice
    • So we would want you to renounce child sacrifices
    • But if you say child sacrifice is part of our religion, then we have no choice but to criticize the whole religion
    • But our focus is always on the child sacrifice part
    • We do not care if you do a 1000 good things, that is no justification for you to do evil
    • Other people may not do 1000 good things, but they don't do evil either
    • At least, those who do evil would be doing evil, not doing it in the name of God
  • Strategy

    • Educate Muslims on Islam
      • The four sources of Shari'ah
      • The type of people
      • The types of texts
    • Start with logical fallacies
    • Then demonstrate evils
    • Then fill up other logical fallacies
  • Extras

    • Point out we hate Islam (the idea), not Muslims (the humans)
    • Point out that when we talk about Mohammed's marriage with Aisha, we do not want to shame him, we just want to point out it was a medieval practice, not ideal for today's world. There is no element of shame, but rather, it is a practice that has bad consequences.
  • Likelihood of children hitting puberty early is less due to lack of nutrition

  • Just think of it, if someone else went through such levels of gymnastics to point at the truth, what would you think of them? There could be truth in case of one event, but several such instances? And that, while the effects of it continue to happen from other people who claim to be on the same cause?

  • Ramadan feasting

  • Claim: Do you work focused on reward? No, you work with the promise of a reward.

    • My claim: No, you work because you want to make the world according to our desires.
      • You are paid when you work to build the world according to someone else's plans.
      • If you're working for your plans, you will have to spend effort from your side.
      • After all, money is just "Proof of Work". Proof, for what?
      • If people were doing their own part for the community, currency would be unnecessary.
      • Of course, it is necessary assuming some people are lazy.
      • But the truth is, what seems lazy to some people is not always the same thing.
      • Artists may seem lazy to other people, but in reality, their minds are just less cloudy.
      • And the society needs both artists and developers.
      • Also, it is forgotten that with automation, many forms of work will be replaced.
      • But with religion, one is not motivated to think in this manner, as you will be rewarded in paradise.
      • As for non-religious people, their reward is the fruit of their labour, how they shape the world.
      • Of course, one may be cheated upon. But much of that is part of God's tests.
        • Surely, you did not suffer as much as many others who you see suffering.
        • And many a times, the people who virtue signal cry more than the people they say are suffering.
        • Many people have suffered in life, but virtue signalers don't think that they've gone through that too.
        • They press people to give up their comforts, without giving them a reason to do so.
        • Everyone really wants to live in a world of adventure, not live minimally.
        • But the virtue signalers take on the world's suffering and discard their humanity.
        • In discarding their humanity, and being machine like, they become unrelatable to other humans.
        • So everyone hates them, because they think they've become dull by pretending to be morally superior.
      • My point is that, if you make the world a better place, paradise is in of itself.
        • But of course, religious people have come up with various explanations to hate the "world"

          • Example: "Satan controls the world", "The world is a test"
          • The primary reason for this is, they needed some way to explain away unreasonable sorrows
          • They can't trust how God would want to test us if there was no heaven afterwards
          • And they can't trust the atheist explanation of "it is like that" (even I agree with that)

  • Ithna โ€˜Asharis (Twelvers) / Rafidis (Rejectors, of the caliphs) / Imamis

    • The term Rafidis used for Shias in general, although only Twelvers are the ones who denied the caliphs
    • Sunnis say they use Taqiyya to outwards pretend as Muslims, while inwardly being something else (lol)
    • Sunnis say, because they called the Sahabah kafirs, they imply that the Quran is altered, and hence, curse it
    • So Shias are seen as a greater threat to Islam than anyone else.
  • Mohammed was white

  • Thighing

Speech Analysis

  • How Quran influences Muslim attitudes

    • They are misguided by Satan
    • Disbelievers are all clearly hypocrites
  • Islam is the most logical religion

    • You think you invented Tawhid?
    • Monotheism is known to everyone (except Greeks, etc - but even Aristotle knew it.)
    • Also, just because you say one true / potentially true thing, that doesn't make everything else true.
    • I could say you should put your soap in your cupboard.
      • It is reasonable. No logical flaws in it.
      • But does that mean those who leave it in the bathroom are wrong? No
      • This is the stupidity of the Muslims

Falsities Muslims Say

  • That we need to worship God
  • Meaning of words like die

Data Collection 1

The Companions of Mohammed (Sahabah)

  • The Rightly Guided Caliphs
  • Mohammed's wives
  • Other people

Members of the Salaf / Salafiyya (Rightly Guided Generations)

Name Meaning
Sahabah Companions of Mohammed
Tabi'oon 2nd Generation of followers
Tabi' at'Tabi'in 3rd Generation of followers
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
Name Status Caliphate Time
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa Rightly Guided Rashidun 632-634
Umar ibn al-Khattab Rightly Guided Rashidun 634-644
Uthman ibn Affan Rightly Guided Rashidun 644-656
Ali ibn Talib Rightly Guided Rashidun 656-661
Sunni Schools of Theology / Aqidah
  • Ash'ari (They believe in logic ('Aql) over tradition (Naql))
    • By Sheik / Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari
  • Maturdi (A philosophical (not in a good way) group based on innovation (Bi'idah))
    • By Sheik / Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi
  • Athari (They believe in literal interpretation, like Hand of God)
    • They do not like to think

Invalid Schools of Theology / Aqidah (as per Sunni Scholars)

  • Mu'tazilla (Leavers)
    • They are too philosophical
    • They do not believe in Predestination (Qadr), and only in Free Will
    • They do not believe in God (Allah) having a face
  • Jahami
  • Qadariyah
  • Khawarij (Kharijites / Secessionists) (Now Ibadis)
  • Raafidis (Twelver Shi'a)

Shi'a Schools of Theology / Aqidah

  • Jafari (Ithna Asharis / Twelver Shi'a)
  • Isma'eeli (Difference in an Imam)
  • Zaydi

Other Schools of Theology

  • Ibadi
  • Ahmadiyya
  • Non Muslim
    • Sikh
    • Baha'i

Active Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence / Madhhabs

School Based on Generation of Imam Their Aqidah
Hanafi Imam Abu Hanifa Tabi'oon Maturdi
Maliki Imam Malik Tabi' at'Tabi'in Ash'ari
Shafi'i Imam Shafa'i Tabi' at'Tabi'in Ash'ari
Hanbali Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal Tabi' at'Tabi'in Athari

Older Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence / Maddhabs

  • Zahiri
  • Awza'i
  • Thawri
  • Laythi
  • Jariri

Invalid Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence / Madhhabs

  • Salafis / Wahhabis
    • Based on the ideas of Mohammed ibn Abd-al Wahhab
    • They say they want to follow the Salafiyya (First three generations)
    • They do their own Ijtihad (reasoning)
    • They say they take ideas from Madhhabs
    • They say sticking to a Madhhab is crowd following
    • They seem closer to Hanbali madhhab
    • They say they stick to the Athari creed (but not everyone agrees)
    • Internet made them popular
    • Example Sites: Islamqa.info, islamweb.net
    • Example People: Assim Al-Hakeem, Zakir Naik
    • Example Radicals: ISIS, Al-Qaeda

Shi'a Schools of Jurisprudence / Madhhab

  • Twelver (Rafidi / Rejectionists)
  • Zaydi
  • Isma'eeli

The Six Sunni Hadiths

  • Bukhari
  • Muslim
  • Abu Da'ud
  • Tirmidhi
  • Nasa'i
  • Ibn Majah

Popular Commentators (Mufassirun) (Sunni)

    1. Tafsir ibn Kathir (IK) (~1370)
    2. By: Isma'eel ibn Umar Ibn Kathir
    1. Tafsir al-Qurtubi (Q) (~1273)
    2. Also called: Al-Jami li-Ahkam al-Quran (The collection of Quranic Injunctions)
    3. By: Muhammad ibn Ahmad Qurtubi
    1. Tafsir al-Tabari (T) (~922)
    2. By: Jami al-bayฤn an tawil ay al-Quran, talif Abi Jafar Muแธฅammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
    1. Tafsir al-Jalalayn (JJ) (1460-1505)
    2. By: Jalal al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad Mahalli
    1. Tafsir Ibn Arabi (K) (1165-1240)
    2. By: Ibn al-Arabi, and Mu.hammad Ali, Abd al-Warith
  • More
    • Isfahani (Is)
    • Razi (R)
    • Samarqandi (Sa)
    • Tustari (ST)
    • Suyuti (Sy)
    • Tabrisi (Ts)
    • Zamashshari (Z)

Popular Commentators (Mufassirun) (Shia)

Other Important Scholars

Name Role Madhhab / Aqidah Timeline
Imam Al-Ghazali Scholar Shafi'i / Ash'ari 11th Century
Rumi Poet, Scholar Hanafi / Maturdi 13th Century
Imam Ibn Taymiyya Scholar Hanbali / Athari 13th Century
Imam Ibn Qayyim Scholar Hanbali / Athari 14th Century
Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani Scholar, Mufassir (Tafsir on al-Bukhari) Shafi'i / Ash'ari 15th Century

Popular Scholars / Preachers

  • Zakir Naik (Indian)
  • Dr. Shabir Ally (Canadian?)
  • Assimal Hakeem (the Arab)
  • Mufti Menk (Funny looking Arab)
  • Usthad Simsarul Haq Hudavi (Kerala)

Concepts in Islam

  • Islam (Submission)
  • Muslim (Submitter)
  • Shari'ah (The Way of Islam)
  • Quran (Recitation)
  • Hadith (Reports of ways of Mohammed)
  • Ahkam (Rulings)
  • Fiqh (Practical Knowledge of Shariah)

Sources of Shari'ah

  • Primary Sources
    • Quran
    • Ahadith (Hadiths)
  • Secondary Sources
    • Tafaseer (Commentaries)
    • Fiqh
      • Ijma as Sahabah
      • Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning)

Principles of Jurisprudence (Usool al-Fiqh):

  • Al-Ahkam Al-Khamsa (The five types of rulings)
    • Fard/Wajib (Compulsory)
    • Mustahabb/Mandub (Recommended)
    • Mubah (Neutral)
    • Makruh (Disliked)
    • Haram/Mahzur (Forbidden)
  • Halal (Lawful, doubtful as to whether it includes Makruh)
  • Jihad (Righteous War)
  • Taqiyya (A sin for greater good)
  • Sunnah (Tradition)
  • Tafsir (Commentary)
  • Fatwa (Scholarly Opinion)

Types of Scholars (Ulama)

A good scholar should memorize the Quran, a great deal of Ahadeeth, Principles of Jurisprudence (Usool al-Fiqh), Science of Grading Hadiths (Mustalah al-Hadith), etc.

  • Imam
  • Mullah
  • Ayatollah
  • Mufti
  • Maulana
  • Alim
  • Faqih
  • Sheik
  • Mujtahid
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