
Stupidity in Islamic Culture

Basically, they do things that are considered good just because Mohammed told them to do so, and forget that they had a natural reason to do them. As an effect of that, they also justify harmful things that Mohammed asked them to do.

  • Why are you good in this cruel world? Because Rasul Allah said: "The best among you are those who have the best manners"
  • Do not points weapons at your Muslim brother, because Shaytan may cause it to slip and injure him to cause enmity between friends (Sahih Muslim 2617, https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz2-TA3r3NT/))

Other stuff:

  • Allah will give you increase in wealth and children (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-HTzg3pmyb/; meaning, children are considered as an element of status)
  • Death is more easy to me than someone seeing my wife's face (https://www.instagram.com/quran.allahswt/p/C-O3mEeIheg/)
  • Gheerah (Protective Jealousy)
    • e.g. "The man carried the weapons and then came back and found his wife standing between the two doors. He bent towards her smitten by jealousy and made a dash towards her with a spear in order to stab her." (she left the house because of a snake)
    • e.g. Asmaa' bint Abu Bakr did not sit on a camel with Mohammed when he offered her a ride while she was carrying datestones on her head remembered her husband Zubair's Gheerah, that she chose to carry the datestones herself. Her husband told her later that it was better if she sat with Mohammed instead of carrying datestones even though he valued his Gheerah.
  • Gheerah doesn't apply to women though
  • Dayyuuth (Cuckold / Man without Gheerah / Man without possessiveness over his Mahram (sister, wife (mainly), daughter))
    • Dayyuth will go to hell
  • Tabarruj (Women going out in non-Islamic outfits (showing her Awrah) / posting online / wearing makeup / leaving their homes wearing perfume)

  • Again saw an instance of "we Muslims aren't pacifists."

    • "stop what? im never ridiculous. always serious. this isn't a joke. We muslims aren't pacifists."
  • By Mufassiroon

  • Felt like hitting a person for naming his pet dog after Mohammed

  • Claim that Jews entered the land only in 1400, and the Canaanites were Arab Palestinians

  • They do believe in the Jew Hadith

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