
Translating Religious Terminologies

Outline form (abandoned)

Template: 'Word in Transliterated Form' '(Meaning / Definition)' [(Description in)] [(Reference)] (last two can skip preceding optional elements)

  • Bible (The Authoritative Texts from God according to Those Who Believe in Jesus as the Son of Lord, Lord Himself and Saviour) (Bible intrinsically means it is from the Christians)
  • TaNaKh (TePrWr, an Abbreviation for Teaching, Prophets and Writings)
  • Torah (Teaching) (Contains the the Divine Teaching revealed by Moses) (intrinsically is a Yehudi Text)
  • Nevi'im (Prophets) (Contains the Sayings of The Prophets) (intrinsically is a Yehudi Text)

At this point, I realized the outline form is hard to represent, so I decided to fill the table instead.

Table Form

Language Transliterated From Word Translation Meaning in the Canonical Context (Besides Literal) Any Ties to a Cultural
English (from Greek) Bible Books The Authoritative Books from God according to Those Who Believe in Jesus as the Son of God, God Himself and Saviour (Christ) Intrinsically it is a Christian Text
Hebrew Torah Teaching Contains the the Divine Teaching revealed by Yehudi Prophet Moses Intrinsically it is a Yehudi Text
Hebrew TaNaKh TePrWr, an Abbreviation for Teaching, Prophets and Writings Collection of the books on Teaching, Information on the Prophets and Writings Intrinsically it is a Yehudi Text
Hebrew Nevi'im Prophets Contains Information on the Prophets Intrinsically it is a Yehudi Text
Hebrew Navi Prophet
Hebrew Sefer Book
Hebrew Sefaria Books
Hebrew Sifrei Exegesis
Hebrew Sofer Scribe
Hebrew Sofrut Scribal Arts
Hebrew Adonai Lords / Lord (in plural/respect)
Hebrew Baal Owner
Hebrew El / Eloah Lord (originated from the word of "power")
Hebrew Elohim Lords / Lord (in plural/respect)
Hebrew HaShem The Name
Hebrew Shaddai Almighty
Hebrew Shalom Peace
Hebrew Mishnah Legal Schools
Hebrew Mohar Dower
Aramaic Elah God
Aramaic Ilaha Gods
Sanskrit Darshana Perspective NO
Sanskrit Veda Knowledge The Books of Knowledge according to Indians Intrinsically it is an Indian Text
Sanskrit Pustaka Book Same NO
Sanskrit Grantha Book (Scrolls tied with ropes)
Sanskrit Vidya Knowledge
Sanskrit Jnana Wisdom
Sanskrit Vidyajnana Knowledge and Wisdom
Sanskrit Tvam You
Sanskrit Atman Soul
Sanskrit Ayam This
Sanskrit Param Ultimate
Sanskrit Maaya Illusion
Sanskrit Viveka Discernment
Sanskrit Buddhi Intellect
Sanskrit Sattva Balance and Equilibrium
Sanskrit Tamas Expansion or Action
Sanskrit Rajas Inertia or Resistance to Action
Sanskrit Guna Qualities or Attributes
Sanskrit Mahat First source of Intelligence An quality of Sankhya perspective of The Sanskrit Books of Knowledge according to Indians, where God is not a component of reality
Sanskrit Chiti Understanding
Sanskrit Chittha Repeated Understanding / Memory
Sanskrit Tat That
Sanskrit -Tva suffix Likeness or Essence
Sanskrit Tattva Fundamental Elements
Sanskrit Bhoota Wordly Elements
Sanskrit Anta Internal
Sanskrit Karana Instrument
Sanskrit Aham I
Sanskrit Kaara Notion
Sanskrit Parinaama Transformation
Sanskrit Vaada Proposition
Sanskrit Pratisheda Opposition
Sanskrit Bheda Difference
Sanskrit Abheda Non-Difference
Sanskrit Kaarana Cause
Sanskrit Shareera Body
Sanskrit Sambhava Birth
Sanskrit Jara Aging
Sanskrit Marana Death
Sanskrit Rupa Form
Sanskrit Linga Mark
Sanskrit Aayama Control
Sanskrit -Maya suffix Full of
Sanskrit Prana Life
Sanskrit Anna Food
Sanskrit Vijnana Consciousness
Sanskrit Sat True
Sanskrit Aananda Bliss
Sanskrit Mandala Section
Sanskrit Sukta Hymn
Sanskrit Shloka Verse with Rhyme
Sanskrit Padyam Verse
Sanskrit Rich Praise Verse
Sanskrit Saaman Song Verse
Sanskrit Yajus Sacrificial Verses
Sanskrit Atharvan Priest
Sanskrit Stotra Praise Hymn
Sanskrit Stuti Praise
Sanskrit Mantra Sacred Sound, Word or Phrase
Sanskrit Sutra Aphorism
Sanskrit Moksha Liberation
Sanskrit Mukti Liberation
Sanskrit Kaivalya State of Liberation
Sanskrit Neeti Ethics
Sanskrit Shudda Pure
Sanskrit Bhagavan God (in Spirit)
Sanskrit Brahman Universe
Sanskrit Ishvara God (in Persona)
Sanskrit Leela Divine Play
Sanskrit Bhakta Devotee
Sanskrit Dvaita Dualistic
Sanskrit Advaita Non-Dualistic or Monistic
Sanskrit Vishishta Special
Sanskrit Preeti Love
Sanskrit Purusha Consciousness
Sanskrit Artha Goal
Sanskrit Padartha Category
Sanskrit Hridayam Heart
Sanskrit Saadhana Ego-Transcending Ritual
Sanskrit Siddhi Supernatural Powers
Sanskrit Vyaktam Clear / Manifested
Sanskrit Avyaktam Unclear / Unmanifested
Sanskrit Pradhana Most Important The Primordial Matter
Sanskrit Dhyan Meditation
Chinese Chan Calmness
Japanese Zen Meditation
Arabic Shi'a Followers The sect of the "Followers of Ali", who considered him the right caliph during Mohammed's time and after his death
Arabic Sunni Traditionists The sect of adherents of the Tradition of Submitters based on the Divine Recitation narrated by Mohammed, Narrations of Sayings and Events of Mohammed and his companions, Biographies and Consensus of the first three generations of followers
Arabic Shari'ah Way of Submission
Arabic Deen Faith and Law
Arabic Allah God
Arabic Rabb Lord
Arabic Salam Peace
Arabic Mushrik Polytheist
Arabic Mushrikeen Polytheists
Arabic Shirk Polytheism
Arabic Munaafiq Hypocrite
Arabic Qur'an Recitation
Arabic Hadeeth Narrations of the Sayings and Events of Mohammed and his companions
Arabic Hadees Narrations of the Sayings and Events of Mohammed and his companions
Arabic Mulhid Atheist, Infidel, Apostate or Heretic
Arabic Akheerah Eternal Afterlife
Arabic Jannah Eternal Paradise
Arabic Jahinnom Eternal Hell
Arabic Mustalah Terminology
Arabic Uloom Science
Arabic Usool Principles
Arabic Mehr Dower Same as Hebrew Mohar
To add:
  1. Srishti โ€” Cosmic Evolution
  2. Pralaya โ€” Cosmic Involution
  3. Upaasana โ€” Deity Yoga - worship of deities
  4. Saadhana โ€” Spiritual practice
  5. Purashcharana โ€” retreat programs
  6. Shaแนญ-karma โ€” 6 desiderative ritual activities
  7. Yoga / Dhyaana โ€” Aasana practice
  8. Siddhaanta โ€” Metaphysics
  9. Brahma-jnaana โ€” Philosophy / Theology
  10. Mantras โ€” linguistic occultism
  11. Yantras โ€” mystical diagrams for meditation
  12. Mudras โ€” seals or gestures of the hands
  13. Shilpa โ€” architecture and sculpture
  14. Pratishtha โ€” consecration of temples and installation of icons
  15. Archana โ€” worship of the deities enshrined in temples
  16. Deeksha โ€” initiation of priests
  17. Dharma โ€” rules of social conduct and ethics
  18. Samskaaras โ€” the 16 sacraments and periodic domestic observances
  19. Utsavas โ€” public festivals
  20. Indra Jaala โ€” practical occultism
  21. Praayaschittham โ€” Atonements & Penances for transgressions and offences
  22. Upaaya โ€” Technique
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