
Why poetry is not a good medium for communication of information

This is because poetry depends on one to understand shared feelings.

And poetry is only used to convey feelings.

Conveying Meaning

Now, poetry can be used to convey meaning.
However, it can only be done by a very deep dissection of ideas.
That is, because poetry can only convey shared feelings.
And feelings on the surface may be corrupt, but the deeper feelings contain one's humanity.
However, one that does such a thing will often be repelled by the idea of using poetry.
This is because poetry is not a medium of logic, it is merely one of feelings.
That is to say statements are discrete and can be analyzed, but poetry is fluid.

Also for this reason, those who find meaning from poetry are those who fall for beautiful lies.
And in case of hate incitement, this is not even a matter of intellect, but simply one of morality.
Improper use of intellect may cause a person to believe that certain arbitrary patterns have deep meaning.
However, to cause a person to hate someone, the person himself should have the roots of hate in him.

They are still not evil

But even this doesn't mean that such a person is evil.
For example, one may hate womanizers because they think monogamy is bad.
But that is according to their culture, and people of other cultures may be living under different frameworks.
This is of the same idea that, the right means when used by the wrong person will work in the wrong ways.
To give another example, a Jew may think that all polytheists sacrifice their babies to idols.
However, he may end up seeing a polytheist community that does not have any such rituals.
By this observation, the Jew will then be able to know that polytheism and sacrifice are two separate ideas.
However, if is only taught to obey an order, and not question it's rationale, then he will not think in this manner.

Where it becomes evil is when they believe that they are following the order of God.
The part that makes it evil is when they justify evil actions because a powerful entity told them to.
The evil here is that they believe that powerful entities have the moral right to harm others.
They can only justify this because that's what they themselves would have done if they had a state of power.

The proper understanding would be that God is the source of power, but power does not exist at the level of God.
Power as experienced in this world refers to strength to make an action.
However, God is understood as the creator of actions, who set all actions into flow.
And since God does not actively monitor the world, power is an irrelevant quality for God.
But rather, God would have set power to appear in the hands of whoever deserves it at the right time.

In that way, God has put power in the hands of the tyrants.
But God has also given us our liberties, which we will have to choose to abide by the truth.
And God has also put power in our hands, for when we have the resolve to fight them.

Why must we fight (moved to separate note, because it's more relevant)

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